chapter 10

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(Grace pov)

I woke up screaming, tears formed in my eyes, I was extremly tired and sweaty. It was 4 AM, I could have slept for another 2 hours.

My parents came in my room asking me what was wrong. Just a nightmare, I told them, but that wasn't true, it was my real life situation.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't anymore, scared to see the same image over and over again.

I grabbed my phone and called the first person I knew I could trust with this: Jace. It took a few minutes before he picked up, when I heard his voice, I just couldn't hold it anymore, I bursted out crying.

(Jace pov)

It was 4 AM when I heard my phone ringing, at first I didn't want to pick up because it was 4 AM and I needed my sleep. But then the idea came to my mind that it must be very important. I rolled over to grab my phone, the ID number was Grace. I was so confused, why would she call me? I realize how tired I am when I hear my own voice.

Me: hello?

Grace: *starts crying*

Me: Grace whats wrong?

Grace: I... I...

Me: hey hey, calm down, its okay, breath in breath out.

Grace: *slowly calming down*

Me: Okay now, whats wrong

Grace: I was having this extreem nightmare about Dave, he wanted to do things I didn't want to do. I yelled no and tried to push him off but it didn't work and then I... I saw Gregg coming in the scene. Jace it was terrible! I woke up screaming and crying and the worst thing is. Its real life! I don't know what to do!

Me: at this point you have to try to sleep because its late and tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Grace: but I can't sleep, I keep seeing the same image over and over again! And I still don't know what I have to do with the situation

Me: we will figure out the situation tomorrow, and if you can't sleep try to do something else like reading or watch youtube. I always do that

Grace: thanks Jace

Me: you can always count on me and you know that.

Grace: yes I do, goodnight Jace

Me: goodnight Grace

I love you.
(Grace pov)

I've slept for 2 more houres, but now I have to go to work. I quickly changed in my cloths, my hair is in a basic ponytail and right now I'm eating breakfast, I have like half an hour to eat and then I have to leave.

Jason🔥: so how are you feeling?

Me: good actually your advice worked

Jason🔥: I know it always does!

Me: yeah yeah

Jason🔥: ready for day 2?

Me: I hope I have less anxiety attacks!

Jason🔥: you will be fine, trust me

Me: I always do and you know that!

I then leave for another day of school and acting.
I walk to the classroom that they have on set and start school, then we have lunch. After lunch we do the rehearsel twice and then the day is over. I walk back to my moms car when a hand grabbed my hand, I scream and jump. I turn around and see Jace.
"Sorry, sorry I didn't want to scare you!" Jace says
"Well then don't walk up to me like that!" I yell still having a heart attack
"Sorry! I just wanted to know if you were okay because I didn't had a change to talk to you."
"I'm okay really!" I say
"I'm glad too" Jace then hugs me, somehow he always knows what I need in times like this. I let go of the hug and walk away, before I get in the car I give him a little smile and wave.

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