chapter 6

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(Grace pov)

Its monday after school, i'm gonna hang out with Dave today, we're going to the park, the first plan was to go to his house but i didn't want to because you know we just met, if he tries to kill me i can still run away. I see Dave sitting on the bench.
"Hey" i say trying to look cute
"Hey nice to see you here" he says. I giggle, Emma teached me that just to look cute. I sit next to him and we kinda just stare at the ground. This was nothing compared to how i hang out with my other friends.
"It's kind of funny" Dave suddenly says "what is funny?"
"Well that we're complete strangers"
"Yeah you could be a killer!" I laugh
"A killer seriously?" He laughs
"But i can't die yet i wanna do so much with my life!"
"Like what?"
"Like going to college, getting married, being a mother, that stuff"
"So what do you wanna do?" He asks
"Starbucks?" I say already standing
"Sure lets go!" He stands up
~time skip to starbucks~
I order my favorite coffee from starbucks, i sit down and continue my conversation with Dave. Without knowing, we sat there for houres. I had a lot of fun today, i didn't expect that to happen, after starbucks he brought me home, at first i didn't want to tell him where i live yet, but he looked at me with puppy eyes and i couldn't resist, when we hugged i felt someting in my stumache, i don't know what it was, but it was weird. After the hug i go back inside and get ready for bed. I tried to sleep but kept thinking about today, it was a great day and i hope we can do it again.
It was the next morning, i thought about yesterday and immediately got a smile on my face, I grab my phone and saw that I had a few text messages, from Dave, Jace and Emily.
Dave❤: hey sunshine
Jace⛤: wassup Grace
Emily♫: how did your date go?
I laugh, I responds Dave's messages first. Me: sunshine? 😂
Dave❤: problems with sunshine? 😯
Me: no not at all, i really like it ♡
Dave❤: great I'll see you at school 💜
Me: see you then
I don't know what the relationship between me and Dave is but I kinda like it how it's now. Then I text Emily.
Me: it wasn't a date!
Emily♫: whatever, but how was it?
Me: It was cool, we talked a lot and had starbucks, he is really nice
Emily♫: and when is your second date?
Me: it wasn't a date!
Emily♫: FINE! When is your FIRST date?
Me: idk we just met Emi
Emily♫: blah blah blah excuses!
Me: *roll eye emoji*
Emily: gtg ttyl
Me: ttyl bye 😙
Emily ships me with Dave way to much, i don't even know if he likes me, I don't even know if i like him.
Me: not much how about you J?
Jace⛤: I'm about to go to work
Me: but it's 7 am!
Jace⛤: we have early shooting
Me: well that sucks
Jace⛤: yeah but that also means I'm done early today.
Me: great can you hang out today?
Jace⛤: sure do you wanna go to a new ice cream place i found?
Me: sounds fun!
Jace⛤: I'll text you when I'm done
Me: see you then J
Jace⛤: is J my new nickname
Me: I guess, what's mine?
Jace⛤: it's Gracie 😅😂
Me: is that my name in your phone too
Jace⛤: maybe, what is mine
Me: it's just Jace⛤
Jace⛤: well that's boring!
Me: okay in what should i change it?
Jace⛤: in HOTDUDE01
Me: what NO
Jace⛤: okay well then in J
Me: or Jaja
Jace⛤: only my sister can call me that
Me: *roll eye emoji* i changed it
Jason🔥: in what????
Me: in Jason🔥
Jason🔥: why that flame?
Me: because your first idea was HOTDUDE01 and a flame is hot 😂
Jason🔥: that means you think i'm hot
Me: careful i can still change it!
Jason🔥: sowwie don't change it
Me: oh shiii i have to go i'm late!
Jason🔥: good luck at school
Me: good luck at set!
I jump out of bed and change in some cloths and run downstairs, i grab a snack bar and run through the door to school. My first class is history.
~time skip to after school~
I wave goodbye to my friends and walk to my house, Jace said he will meet me there. When i got home i changed in more comfy clothes, i don't really have to be dress up around Jace, he has seen me in worse stages of my life. I change in some sweatpants and a T-shirt, i put my hair in a ponytail and i fix my make up a little. I look around in my room and I remember the day with Jace like it was yesterday.
"So which color is this wall going to be?" Jace asks with paint in his hand
"White just like the others" I say
"White again?" He asks
"We bought 3 cans white paint and only 1 can grey paint, what was your first clue?" I ask sarcastic
"Why are you always so sarcastic?"
"Its in my blood!" I say dancing around
We had some Ed Sheeren on in my room, and instead of painting we mostly danced and sang songs. This was the reason why it took us 3 hours.

I smile at the memory from that day, then the doorbell rangs, i run downstairs and open the door, Jace is here, we don't really say anything except "hey". But that is fine with me its not an awkward silent. "So how did your date go?" Jace asks suddenly
"My date, which date?" I asks
"With that dude, Dave?" He asks again
"That wasn't a date, we're just friends"
"So you're still single?"
"Yes.... why?" I ask slowly
"Because i was afraid that if you two would date you didn't want to see me again!" He says with a sad face
"Hey you always be my number one guy, we have a lot of great memory's and i don't want to lose that!" I say while grabing his hand. Then i think back at the first day we met.
Its my turn, i walk up to Jace i get tears in my eyes i hug him tight, i whipe away my tears and my mom is taking pictures while my dad is filming.
"I have something for you."
I give him the letter and drawing.
"Thanks, do you want my autograph?"
I nod, he hands me the autograph while i am getting my phone and opens snapchat. I take a selfie and put it in my story, while that is happening is see in the corner of my eye a car.  Two mans are coming out of it they look like securaty, they come up to us, i wanna walk away cause my time is up, but one of the man is grabbing me. Everything goes really fast, i drop my back with everything in it I see my mom grabbing it while crying and  yelling my dad is still filming, in the corner of my eye  i see Jace who is getting kidnapped too.
I get dropped in the car after me comes Jace, i look out my window, my dad stopped filming and is hugging my mom. The car starts driving, i start crying, Jace puts an arm around me while comforting me.

"Okay maybe not every memory is great!" I say to Jace who has no clue were i'm talking about. We finally got to the ice cream place, we walk inside and i order my favourite flavor, strawberry, i was about to pay but Jace didn't let me. "No i will get this one!" I can't say no at free ice cream
"You two are a cute couple!" The cashier says to us, when we're far away from her we burst out laughing.
"She thought we were dating" i say
"Its not the first time someone thinks that!" Jace says, i just laugh. After the ice cream, Jace brought me home.
"It was fun hanging out with you Jace"
"Yeah we need to do this more often!"
I smile and close the door, this was a fun day.
Yeah i finally updatet sorry it took so long but i couldn't write the part of Grace going on a date with Dave, it was ten times easier to write the conversation with Jace. Expect some drama in the next chapter.

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