In Our Heads

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You've poured all your love and passion into it
You've done your best to live up to expectations
But it just messes you up even more
And worse then ever before
The feeling of being empty because you know it wasn't right
I've yet to say what it is but in your mind a clear image has just came up

The use of these words can mess your mind up even more
Because words are of shattering power
A bullet can physically destroy you or kill you
But words last longer
Hurt you more
They rip you apart
Piece by piece
Particle by particle
Atom by atom
...thought by thought
Until you're every move is predicted and understood

A young person tortured to have an old soul
Traumatized by everything they've been through
Clawing at there brain to decipher the jumbled mess you fucked up in the first place
Ripping apart their privacy for your amusement because a smile and a laugh is better then knowing your safe in your own home

We the people speak for who exactly, the rest of us, who have had our voices stripped from us like woman have there clothes strip from there body's by the animals we call men because they have such a sexual attraction to people whom they see as only objects.

We as a society break our own

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