Right there

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The only thing left next to me
is my antisocialality
That works a mess on my mental personality
I need a new reality
Question my sexuality
That's the only thing right next to me
Nothing, nothing but disappointment
No where to hide
I'm a freak to everybody

I need to fall asleep so I can have a nice dream
That can never happen everything can lower myself of steam
Everywhere I go everyone is up there high achieved
I don't know what I can do but leave
leave to nowhere

I leave to the corner and say bye
I can do nothing but cry,cry,cry
I'm different in a way
People question me
They just need to STOP

I used to be a social butterfly
Then it came
The laughs the stares, why
I was always ashamed
Ashamed of being me

The reality is
I'm an anti social pessimist
No optimism
Left behind garbage
I'm left in the trash

I can't
it's hard and not fun
I've lost in life society has won
I'm just here in the corner
Leave me alone
If you want to finder me I'm right here.

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