I cant/ Secrets

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I can't see
I can't breath
I'm in this right space

I can't hear
I can't smells
Everything is blaring and loud

Help is what I want
Help is what I need
I'm an outlaw
I've run out of reasons to run

I'm stuck in my cell of secrets
Beaten & tortured with the burden
I'm stuck behind the bars of disappointment, if I say a word

I can't help
I can't win
I'm useless
I just can't

It's no fun here
I'm all alone
Nothing to do but be here

I've lost so much
Protecting it all
But now I can't

Why am I alone here
Why am I lost
I just can't breath
I can't hear
I can't see
I can't smell
I've lost everything

Myself in the fear of my heart
The flames of despair
The blizzards of depression

Don't look at me
I've done so much wrong
I am wrong

I've kept one thing a secret
My secret
My sexuality
I am a curious one
I may be a freak
But I can't hold anymore secrets

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