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The shattering of my heart
Nothing is helping I need to restart
Life will go on with or without me
I've got to get over it my life is worthy nothing

I wear my heart upon my sleeve
But then you rip it off
I thought you may have taken it
No you throw it away
Never to be worn again
This is why I have trust issues
This is why I'm shattered and broken

Why am I still here I ask myself everyday
I need to stop and keep my feelings at bay

Crying is worst
No one seems to love me, it's a curse
Why me I ask myself
Why do I need to live

I can leave in an instint will you even notice
It's okay just typical
No one ever loves me

Why me
I've done nothing but good
I've tried my best
Now you leaving me alone
Now you breaking me

I've wished for happieness
It has yet to arrive
Leaving me still alone
One thing is left
I'm just here Broken

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