The struggle

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Sorrows will unfold
Sadness will overcome
Ones with the biggest smile fall the hardest
What does it mean to be happy only for you to become sad
Life is a torment
Life is a struggle

I can't leave it or I'll be a coward
I can't face it or I'll just want to end it
but I can fight it
I have people who believe in me
I know people who actually care about me
...But I also know people who destroy me
I know people who do nothing but hurt me
I know people who knows the truth about me
I know people who lie about me
I know the struggle

What the people That I know say
"You're ugly"
"You're a disappointment"
"You're not worth a glance at"
You're just another mistake in this world"
I know I say
I know
I know
I know!!

"They don't see what we see"
"You're not ugly"
"You're not a disappointment"
"You're a wonderful person"
I can only reply
I don't believe you
I don't believe you
You're lying to me
Yes I am
You're just a liar
You don't understand the struggle

I can't believe them can I
I've been told Things like you're worthless for the longest
I can only believe them
I can only believe whats been repeated over and over
I am losing my fight
I know Im not weak
I have people right behind me

I don't know if they know the struggle
If I stand up to life I'll lose
If I stand up to death I'll lose
If I give up On life I'll lose
If I give up on death I may win
It's just one of my struggles

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