I know

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Leaving me alone was not the brightest idea
I have many plans for myself
I grab what I can because when in doubt...

You come home screaming at me
while behind me the flames engulf the walls
I won't listen to your screams
I just say I know

Why scream at me when you can be civilized and talk
I know about the divorce
I know about the affair
I know, I know, I know

I leave without another word
I walk through the alley
I hear the echos of my own screams

I run from my life that chases me
I need to know
I understand the my articulation of the problem is not good
But I just need someone who will protect me and that I can trust they would
Everyone stand me in the back everyone

My life is worthless
no one loves me
I've had such bad dreams
pffff.... I barley have sleep

I need to watch out for anything
Then you come into my life
Your smile so bright
Your laughter so cute
Your eyes big with curiosity
I thought I found someone who loved me
I thought I found the one

I ask you "you know your awesome?"
You say"I know"
I ask you know " you're pretty?"
You answer "really well now I know."
I know, I know, I know

I smile big ready for what might happen
But then you break away
I slowly fall
You break me
You shatter me
You were my everything
You don't know, you can't possibly know

You say one more thing "I have to leave you."
I have to leave you Repeats in my mind
I reply "I know, well good-bye"

My reality shatters turning into a nightmare
I can only dream of getting better but It won't happen
I know your gone

You just leave me behind
No where to go
I'm lost in the sands of time
Slowly leaving this world
My life is worthless I say to my self
I reply

My thoughts instantly become my greatest foe
I don't think I can do this anymore
My minded keeps going

No one loves you
you're worthless
You are the most disgusting human of all time
You're nothing with out her
but why

I need her in my life
She make me happy
She is more to me than just a girl
I don't know why I had fallen so fast
she is one you always see walk into the room
She fills you up with joy

Why can't I get her out of my head
Day by day she's stuck in there
I ask why are you in there
I answer my own question
You know why

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