Who are you?

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My name is Daniel, and I am a poet
I string along words like how guys string along woman in highschool till he feels he's masculine enough, but when each word falls into place they have a deeper meaning
The cycle and thoughts my brain go through may be different then the way you may be hearing this right now.
It is human nature to dig deep and never quit
In a fight I will only wield one weapon, words, why use a knife or a gun when words can detonate and kill you from the inside out
But a simple gun can make a whole through you , one can simply heal from a physical wound but the minute your mind is all fucked up you're through
Words have the power for life and death
Words have the power of choice
They can give you everything but words are Power...
Power put into the wrong hands can lead to something worse
It's not even that it's the sickness the world faces, it's one of the worst. For our world to be truly plagued by Greed and everyone will do whatever it takes to become the best. Yet when people try to show them that money and power is not the only thing left in this society to hope for but no those pure people get crushed and broken so to be begging to remember what hope really is... yet they can't see what they are hoping for just they know they should be hoping. They've lost sight of not what they dream of but they've lost sight of them selves. Their identity, you can say stripped from them, like how a rapist will strip away every last piece of clothing on a woman's body and man handled till not only her clothes is taken but her virginity and her self worth leaving her vulnerable and hurt and how the government will strip away every last penny from the poor and weak but will raise the prices for food; will raise the tax but yet those working hard to get out of poverty are yelled at for "Taking away jobs" from those who won't even fight for them... how Schools and bullies will strip away each and every ounce of confidence given to a student making them need constant reassurance that they are not "weird", "crazy", or "ugly"
Wow look at that World War lll for what one small racial slur
One word creating mass destruction... wow
With all this happening I know one thing and one thing only...
Actually I forgot what it is i need to remember like how society for got to show the new generation how to feel like they do the complete opposite and vacuum away any emotion given to them ducking away the best part of life ... feeling. You will be stripped from your voice, your respect, and your rights but you must never be separated from your dignity. They tell you to love yourself, why don't they teach how to love yourself. A school is there to learn but all it really teaches is to body shame, name call , and hide away. And you learn not to love yourself but how to make your middle and ring fingers your best friends and show them to travel down the tunnel that will help release the pressure built into your gut making you feel 100 pounds lighter but not yet skinny. It teaches you and bones and skin is still to heavy that you are a cow, a hoe, and a attention seeking whore... just because schools tell you to do something they could never teach you...  My name is Daniel and I'm a poet, just stringing along the words that flow through my head

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