The floor

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Here on the floor I lay
Here on the floor I sleep
Here your right next to me
Your arms over me
My red shirt with splotches of white
your white shirt with splotches of red

We stay on the floor not moving
We stay here because that's all we can do
We can't just leave the floor
We can't just get up

The gun only a few feet away
But yet I don't move
Here on the floor I'm laying down
Here is the place I can't get hurt
Now I can see the case shattered on the floor
I can see the splatter of blood on the door
But I do nothing but stay laying down

I won't move not over my cold dead body
Just leave me be and I'll be happy
You stay on me your back on my stomach
Here on the floor we lay
We just stay

I hear the screams
Most from the murderer maniac McGee
I don't go help I just stay on the floor

I won't move because there is a hole in my head
My husband won't move because he has a bullet in his chest
The blood soaked my white shirt
My shirt is not red with white
It's white with red
I felt no pain
But my hubbies did

Why are we dead
The fight had killed us
the smashed case on my head
The knife cut McGee made his cheeks all red
We were to weak
he left to finish his crime spree

Were just left
on this cold hard floor
Why not in a bed
Just left here cold,bloody, and dead
Leaving no one

Bang goes the door
The sirens are heard from afar
The police pick me up and I just stare
I'm gone
No more of it
I've been moved from the thing that held me down
The floor

life as we knowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin