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With the other dragons found and when Crystal finally took a few chill pills, Tempest was able to gather them around for the hopefully final plan.

"Ok guys so we know that the left wing (no pun intended. Maybe.) is unlocked during the day so we can escape through there. Crystal and Labra/Ocean we need you two to crawl through the ventilation systems and unlock it from the outside. Hopefully we can escape and live out our days somewhere that isn't in the world we live in."

"Good plan Tempest." Nightmare said putting his hand on her shoulder. "Hey maybe we can possible live in the mortal world. Who knows. And possibly raise a family." He whispered the last part and Tempest smiled.

"Alight team. Mission freedom is a go!" Crystal and Labra/Ocean ran to the vents while the rest raced to the left wing. No one seemed to notice 6 weird looking teenagers running like fish out of water through the halls. Thankfully. Tempest skidded to a stop in front of the door there and waited for Crystal and Labra/Ocean to unlock the door.


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