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Tempest looked around quickly and. The figures burst through the doors holding spears and weapons and.......cages? "TEMPEST!" Nightmare yelled and was tackled to the ground.

All around her, her friends were tackled and thrown into cages. Then, a guard charged at Tempest and everything went dark.

They awoke in rooms that were locked from the outside. Tempest groaned and turned over only to find the sleeping form of Nightmare. As a human. Tempest looked down and discovered that she too was a human.

"Hey. Sleeping beauty." Tempest whispered nudging him slightly and he opened one eye. "What Temp." He mumbled and Tempest shushed him. "We need to find a way out of here and find the others." She whispered and Nightmare slowly nodded his head.

They stood up and began to look around the room. There was nothing except for a bed, one dresser, a mirror, and the door. The walls were a bare shade of white and gave little comfort. Then the speakers came on.

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