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Tempest picked up her stone necklace and turned it in her claws. It was glowing. Then everyone else's started to glow. Nightmare reached out to touch hers and then everything went black. Then there were voices.

Shh. She's waking up. Hurry and place her in her room with the dark dragon. They must not know. We will commence the pairing and experimenting later. Here are the assigned pairs.

Tempest ~ Nightmare
Crystal ~ Flame
Oak ~Whirlwind
Solar flare ~ Ocean (or Labra)

Do your best to keep this hidden until Ocean is old enough to mate. The Gem queen will be pleased to know her plan is underway. Skeleton dragon. And lightning dragon. Out.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. This was basically a filler chapter and one that will catch you up on the basic plans for the plot. PEACE ✌🏻

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