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Tempest paced the room while Crystal was cooing to the little blue dragon they named Labra. "How on the blazing moons do we keep that thing hidden?" Tempest swore and Crystal shushed her. "Don't use that kind of language in front of her. Or anyone in fact." Tempest just shrugged her wings and lied down on the ground.

The rest of the dragonwings were off doing training. Tempest and Crystal used the excuse that they were "tired and already knew everything about their powers." The time dragon obviously knew that was fake.

Crystal smiled happily in her corner and let Labra climb all over her spikes and crests. She got a little too carried away and laughed so hard that a single snowflake drifted out of her shocked mouth and settled lightly on the floor. It melted instantly. Tempest opened her mouth and screamed. She started to flap around the room screaming and scaring poor little Labra.

"MONSTER!" Tempest yelled for the final time and barged through the doors and out into the training room. Little did she know that there would be a surprise there waiting for her.

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