Chapter Four

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Author's Note~

Please tell me if there is anything that I need to inprove in. c: enjoy~

x ~ x ~ x

I flicked my eyes open, waking up before my alarm clock could even try to, and I stared up at my white ceiling, blinking away the cobwebs of sleep from my eyes. I rolled over onto my side and turned off my alarm clock, before it could scare me because I wouldn't be excepting it to go off. I moved into a sitting position on the side of my bed, hanging my head in my hands and I pressed my elbows into my knees of my legs.

I was never a fan of mornings and on a regular summer day, out of school, you'd be lucky if I was even awake by one in the afternoon. I rubbed my face and stood up heading towards my bathroom, using the toilet and then washed my hands, staring at myself in the mirror. The tired looking me looked back, making me flinch a little, I had little black bags underneath my eyes because I hadn't exactly got used to the time here; in all reality I was waking up four hours before I would usually wake up.

I leaned down towards the faucet, turning it on and splashed my face with cool, liquid water, waking me up a little. I wasn't going to take a shower this morning because if I showered every day, my skin got very dry and itchy for some reason. I fixed my hair the best I could, making it look fairly like it did yesterday and brushed my teeth quickly and then walked out of the bathroom to my dresser, pulling out a pair of ripped blue jeans and a plain black tee, grabbing my leather jacket I had took off before I fell asleep the night before.

I headed down the stairs, but the house was empty, my mother must have still been out on her run because I had woken up earlier than yesterday, so I began making my own breakfast. By the time I was done my mother walked into the house, as she dabbed her face of sweat. She smelled bacon and headed straight for the kitchen to see me cooking.

"Honey, I'm so sorry," She said and I waved her off and told her to go get ready for work as I cooked some food for her and left it in the microwave so she could eat it after she was done. I quickly finished eating my cooked breakfast and tugged back on my converses that I had left by the door along with my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder, heading out of the door.

A cool breeze brushed across my face, and made my whole body tremble, I couldn't walk to school in this weather, so I pulled out my keys to my car and pressed the unlock button, making my car respond with a couple of beeps. I shuffled over to my car, opening the driver's side and stuck my key into the ignition, starting it, throwing my backpack into the seat beside me. The car still smelled of the new car smell, and the seats were made of leather, and the windows were tinted so people couldn't see in at me.

I backed it out of the driveway, looking at all my mirrors to make sure no one was coming down the street because I didn't want my beauty to get ruined this new and young. My baby purred as it went down the street, turning on a dime and was a very smooth, soundless drive. Not even five minutes passed until I was in the school's parking lot, and people were staring at me. Maybe I should have walked because I knew the people were now going to think that I was trying to impress them after my big arrival yesterday.

I sunk low in my seat, even though they could not see me, I felt like they could because I could see them and they were still staring at me. I turned into a parking spot way away from other cars, so no one would think about hitting my car. I in took a deep breath and pulled out my keys, grabbing my backpack and opened the door.

People looked and found out that it was me who drove the wonder car, and gossiped among themselves. I just locked my car, trying my best to ignore the comments as I passed them and the attempts for people asking me how I afforded the car. I got into the school, feeling a whole weight being lifted off my shoulders because at least for now the people in here didn't know about my car, but it would pass quickly.

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