Chapter Three

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Author's Note~

This chapter is kind of just a filler, not really important, but still important, so you need to read. D< Anyways, enjoy. And please tell me what you think, maybe ideas where it should go? Also tell me things I should approve in, such as grammar, I suck at it, but I am working on it. Thank you :) Vote, Rate, Comment!

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After lunch Rebecca and I headed towards my next class, Math; I wondered if Hayden was going to be there after what had just happened at lunch. I talked with Rebecca a few minutes outside of the classroom and then she left me, heading to her next class. I walked into the room, scanning over all the faces, not seeing Hayden anywhere. I sighed mentally and walked over to the nice looking teacher, who welcomed me with her bright white pearls.

Mrs. Parker showed me where I would be sitting and handed me everything that I would need, like that had happened many times today with every teacher and let me be to be stared at by all the curious faces. I leaned back in my seat, doodling little shapes on a piece of paper that I had in front of me when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to see a guy, with a strong jaw, deep brown eyes, hair a little messed, and a crooked smile. I gave him a curious look when he spoke, "You're the new kid right?" His voice showed a hint of some kind of accent.

"Yeah," I simply replied, giving him a kind of bored expression and he leaned forward towards me. I got a whiff of his cologne and I about choked, but I kept it back; he had way too much on, I couldn't see how the girls would want to be around him.

"Any good at sports?" He asked, giving me a very serious face, proving to me that he wasn't kidding when he asked this, "Like football, baseball, basket-"

"Yeah, I know what sports are," I rolled my eyes, chuckling simply amused by his explanation. "And no I don't play, not a fan, but I throw the football every once and a while." The jock leaned back, crossing his muscular arms over his chest, pursing his lips in thought.

"We're just looking for some more people to play, or the administrators are going to cancel sports all together," He let a sign out and glanced at me, "but it's cool. I'm Heath, by the way."

"Adam," with that I turned back around and yawned quietly as the bell rang, signaling for the period to work, and there still was no sight of Hayden anywhere. I leaned forward and rested my head in my hand, caressing it as my eyes started to droop a little as the teacher went on and on about things that would be pointless in the real life.

I actually did fall asleep, my head still placed in a hand, but I was suddenly ripped from my dream world as my head collided with the desk and a chorus of laughter filled the air. I groaned and opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me, and Mrs. Parker giving me a very judgmental look. Deifantly not the first impression I wanted to leave.

I rubbed my throbbing head as she continued on with the study of math and my mind drifted into my thoughts about today and all my new friends, mainly Rebecca and Hayden. I was always able to make friends quickly though, just the trick was to find someone who was true.

The bell rang into my ear and I jerked slightly, grabbing my backpack that laid on the floor upside down, and stood up walking out of the classroom, Rebecca already meeting up with me at the door.

"Why the hell do you have a red mark on your head?" She asked accusingly and I explained to her how I fell asleep and how my head slid off my hand, hitting the desk, thus making the red mark on my head. "Aww my poor baby!" She jerked my head down and kissed my sore spot, making me smile a little.

"Hayden wasn't in the classroom," I said abruptly, ruining the mood. She nodded and played with the hem of her shirt and started to walk down the crowded halls. We stayed quiet for a moment.

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