Chapter 8

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Breakfast in the Great Hall was a chore he would have likely skipped, if it hadn't been for Dumbledore. He insisted on the presence of the teachers at the table; he was of the opinion that meals were the perfect opportunity to discuss school matters.

"Have you made up your mind, Severus?" The headmaster addressed him in between two bites of sausage.

"No," he grumbled back, irritated about being dragged into a conversation he would rather not have.

"And why is that?" Dumbledore looked puzzled.

Professor Snape didn't bother to respond. His eyes darted over to the students' tables, the Hufflepuff table in particular, lingering a bit too long on Samara's crestfallen face. Her reddened eyes told the story of a restless, tear-filled night.

He had to make a decision, and he knew it had to be soon, lest he wanted to cause the girl more grief.

"Ugh," he grunted, displeased with himself. He had gone weak. Where was the old Severus who wasn't touched by any of his students' sensitivities? He was still there, hidden underneath the emotional distress this girl had caused. Everything about her reminded him of the forlorn teenager he once was. The bullying, the loneliness, the unrequited love for someone who didn't care. Or, did he? Did he actually care?

"No." As simple as that. "No."

"Excuse me?" The Headmaster had stopped his fork midway to his mouth, eyeing Severus inquisitively.

Oh, he had indeed said that out loud. Quickly, he wracked his brain for an explanation. A reasonable one, too, if possible.

"No, I won't let her stay in Potions." That was easy.

"Oh." Dumbledore finally took his bite, chewed deep in thought, then said, "Very well. It is your decision. But you should notify her immediately. Don't punish her even more by making her wait."

The staff's eyes all shot up, as a grumpy and very moody Professor Snape stomped out of the hall, his cape flowing wildly around him.

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