Chapter 5|| "Late is late."

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Faster updates, shorter waits? You're welcome xD

Spread the word that I'm back xo

Chapter 5

9:07 and yet, there was no sign of Sarah Rodrigues.

Right on cue, I heard the purr of an engine in front of the store and the person in question getting down with giggles spewing from her mouth.

I rolled my eyes.

I swear I could hear their sweet-talking all the way through the goddamnit glass.

I ignored them until he revved up his engine and was gone followed by a blushing Sarah stumbling in.

I looked at her pointedly.

"Uhm, hi," she said with a wave of her hand.

"You're late."

She looked at her phone before replying, "By eight minutes."

"Late is late."

"Its also a weekday. We always have a slow start—"

"You are still late."

"Seriously, Jen?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

I knew what she meant even without her saying it aloud. She was referring to the countless times I've turned up later than an hour.

I huffed.

"Okay, new rules. No one comes late even by one minute. Everyone comes atleast five minutes beforehand," I state with authority in my tone.

"Fine by me," she said, shrugging.

We worked in silence for a while before curiosity wormed its way into my mind.

No, Jennifer don't go there.


"So, Soham and you, huh?"

What the hell, Jennie?

Why so desperate to open the Pandora box?

It's okay, I just don't care. No matter what she says. I'm so over him.

She turned to face me with a blush evident on her face.

"He is just wow—like seriously—he's considerate, sweet with just the right touch of arrogance—" insert giggles, to which I almost gagged—"and hot, like very hot—" insert more giggles.

I rolled my eyes before I could stop myself. Soham was a charmer so no surprise there.

"And he makes me laugh or smile the entire time. He's kinda perfect. Shit, do I sound lovestruck?" she suddenly asked me with widened eyes.

Uhm, yes. Like duh.

Instead I plastered a fake smile on my face and said, "You sound like someone who is enjoying the relationship."

What am I even saying?

"Oh, we aren't official or anything. We have just gone on a few dates. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything—"

"Don't worry. He will ask you soon. He's always been extremely slow when it comes to feelings."

I remembered him and Trisha right then. It took him years to confess his feelings to her and that didn't even turn out the way he wanted it to.

"I mean I hope because I—" she trailed off, blushing.

"Really like him," I completed the sentence for her with an involuntary sigh.

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