Dancing With the Celt [CerberusXBlaine]

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Dancing With the Celt


I was the luckiest creature in all the realms.

Aside from being a badass and the respected guardian of Hades, I was granted the most beautiful lover in the world. He wasn't perfect, but to me, that made him perfect. He was foul-mouthed and bitched about everything nearly eighty percent of the time. He was petite and lithe, built like a dancer. His hair fell in smooth chestnut waves over his shoulders, bangs framing a perfect faerie face with a pair of pale green eyes hidden behind delicate lids, his dark lashes contrasting sharply with his skin.

He laid beside me on the bed, one hand resting on my chest, the other tucked against his stomach, something I noticed he did. At first, I'd never bothered with it, but now I knew why he subconsciously touched his stomach and it made my heart twist in pain.

I wet my bottom lip, reaching up to rest my hand over his. He wrinkled his nose in his sleep and buried himself closer against me until his cheek was touching my shoulder, making my heart skip several beats. As if sensing that, his eyes flickered open and he stared straight ahead with blind eyes that made me ache.

"Were you watching me sleep?" He mumbled sleepily, slowly propping himself up on his elbows, my hand suddenly feeling empty as he withdrew it to rake through his hair. I swallowed down a lump in my throat, ignoring the throbbing in my cock at just watching him.

"Maybe." I replied nonchalantly. He scoffed and thumped me in the shoulder playfully before tossing his hair back over his shoulder and scooting closer so he could settle his chin on my chest. His eyes sought me out, but never seemed to quite meet mine like they used to.

"That's creepy," He told me, making me roll my eyes and he thumped me in the arm again, "I felt that eye roll, you boob. Anyway, what time is it?" I tilted my head to look at the red glowing clock on the nightstand by our bed, frowning.

"About eight. Why?" I asked, turning to look at him again.

"Did Ayo come home last night?" He asked, voice tinged with concern. Now that I thought about it, I hadn't noticed. Which was strange to begin with. I woke up to the slightest noises in the house now because I was paranoid for a family I never thought I'd have. Ayo was officially listed as our adopted son. A fire demon we'd picked up in Styx after his mother had been murdered. We'd raised him ever since, and he was a great kid. Lately, though, he'd been staying out late and Blaine had given him a curfew that he usually met respectfully.

"I'm not sure," I admitted honestly, watching Blaine's expression twist in worry, "Hang on, let me go double check. Think you can get to the shower?" Blaine gave me a droll look, folding his arms on my chest.

"I've lived in this house for how long? Get out of the bed. I can shower by myself."

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

"Get moving, Fido, before I decide to go with Abel's idea to neuter you." Blaine scolded, giving me shoves to the other side of the bed. I sighed and leaned over, pressing a kiss to his forehead that made him sink back down onto the bed. He hugged a pillow, eyes facing my direction as I slid out of bed and pulled on a pair of black sweatpants. I left the room and shut the door behind me to let him get ready in privacy.

I went down the hallway to the left to Ayo's room. I knocked on his door and when I got no answer, I pushed the door open. Relief swept through me to see Ayo passed out on his bed, always a heavy sleeper. He was still wearing his clothes; a long leather jacket with slits in the sides and four more slits in the sleeves running down his arms, a sleeveless black turtleneck beneath, leather pants, and boots that I'd gotten him for Christmas last year. I went across the room and rolled him over onto his back, making him snore. I rolled my eyes and gave him a poke in the stomach. He grunted and rolled back over, reaching for his blankets and jerking them close, causing all his books and papers to fall on the floor.

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