Kids [CerberusXBlaine]

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"I'm pissed, hungry, pregnant, and overdue and if I don't get some drink in me soon, I'm going to slaughter the entire Greek population starting with Cerberus."

As if I wasn't sitting right here, my beautiful, not-so-dainty, fae of a husband was on yet another tirade against me because it was the second week since the baby was supposed to have been born. Instead, Blaine sat at the kitchen table with a pack of ice against his head, frustrated tears welled up in his eyes while he smashed his fist against the table. His swollen belly made his loose black t-shirt tight over it and he looked like he was about ready to explode, but Hades had told us that the baby wasn't ready yet.

Even worse, the baby hadn't moved in a while. Hades told us it was normal, but Blaine was convinced something had gone wrong and because Ayo had snuck away this morning to avoid Blaine's temper tantrum, I was the source of all his anger.

"Look," I tried, making him glare at me past his loose, sweaty bangs, "Why don't I give you some Tylenol, and we take a bath? I'll even rub your feet." Blaine glared for a moment longer, then huffed and looked down at the table, but gave me a frustrated nod. I sighed in relief, mostly because I had to get away from him before I caved into the temper we both loathed. I escaped the kitchen and went to our bathroom, waving my hand at the tub to start the water while I got the bottle of pills off the sink counter and returned very hesitantly to the kitchen where Blaine sat looking absolutely miserable.

And I think that's what hurt the most.

I'd already gone through his pregnancy with Ambrosius, and that one had been downright awful. It wasn't so much the build up of hormones or whatever weird shit goes on in a pregnant male fae's body, so much as the fact that Hades had been waiting in the shadows to snatch Ambrosius and take off with him. That whole nine months, Blaine had woken up with night terrors, sobbing and screaming and clutching at himself. And nothing I said or did could make it any better.

Now we were finally having our own kid. But it was turning into a nightmare all over again. While Blaine wasn't waking up in tears, he was rampaging and destroying everything in his path. You'd think that wouldn't be different from his usual persona, but most of the time, it was adorable-- at least to me. Now, I was going insane. No matter what I did, Blaine was on my ass about everything and even worse, he was taking it out on Ayo, who was coming up with shit excuses to escape the house to avoid his father's wrath.

Lucky little shit.

But watching Blaine sit there in frustration was pretty painful too. He was just suffering. He had lost a lot of weight because of the baby, and he couldn't dance anymore, so he had no way to vent or relax. Half the time, he didn't want to move. He just sat around and complained all day or laid in bed and watched stupid horror movies, probably imagining me as the victim.

Now, Blaine just sat at the dinner table, trying not to cry and angrily rubbing at his eyes on occasion, other times pressing the cold pack to his face. He hated crying. And he'd done far too much of it the past few years. I wanted to do something, anything. Hades had told us to give sex a shot, since it could possibly induce labor, but holy shit, Blaine wouldn't hear of it. The mere suggestion set him off and Hades threatened to just rip the kid out, which only made Blaine scream at him and cry all over me later that day.

It was like sticking two toddlers in a room. Those two got along like a mongoose and a cobra.

Not at all.

I took a deep breath.

But this wasn't about me. This was about Blaine. He'd gone through too much to get to where he was today. We were about to have our own kid. Not one that was artificially inseminated or adopted, and don't get me wrong, those kids were great... Except maybe Ambrosius like 50% of the time. But this time, Blaine and I made something. Something perfect and beautiful and really, really fucking lazy apparently.

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