Chapter 23: ...Like a Ton of Bricks

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Penny Potter-Malfoy’s POV

I felt like I was half asleep. Sometimes I was more aware than other times. It was kind of cool, besides being in a life threting coma. People thought I didnt hear them, SO not ture.

People told everything to someone in a coma.

I started to make a mental list of thing I had to do when I got up. 1) Kick Harry’s ares for not proposing to Ginny, 2) Kick Draco’s arse for being compleatly useless for most of the month and a half I was in a coma, 3) Kick Ron’s ares for not telling Hermione


A few weeks ago, Draco was at his mothers becaus Harry literaly pushed him out of the room, I was laughing in my head. And a few hours later Ginny, Hermione, and Ron all came and dragged Harry back to his nad Ginny’s house. Ron stayed.

He told me how Hermione had moved into Ginny’s room at his house, and how they had gotten closer. He had kissed her at the Battle of Hogwarts, but she gave him this huge thing about how it was ‘just in the heat of the moment Ronald! (Said in a Hermione-ish voice).’ Poor guy was CRUSHED!

He was behining to talk to her more, but he loved her. He really, truly loved her. Honestly, he sounded like ME talking about DRACO.

~End Blackflash!~

4) Give Hermione a talking-to about what she said to poor, poor Ron, 5) Take Draco to see his father...Maybe. I’ll have to think on that one.

I heard a sob, and I recignised it as Draco’s. I knew his voice/wet sobbs anywhere.

It was differnt that the other times I had heard him cry over then past 6 weeks.

This sob was absolutly hopeless. I needed to wake up. I had to. I was not going to let him cry over me.

I hed never tried to open my eyes. Never really tried. When I did, I saw Harry with an look on his face, Hermione asleep with her head on Rons shoulder, a book open in her lap. His arm was slung around her. I sa Draco crying by the door looking at the floor.

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