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Idris didn't really like the beach. He appreciated the view though.

The sound of waves and sea gulls in the distance took over his hearing as he scanned the empty beach. It was cold today, the clouds gathered together proving rain to fall down on them at any time.

Carson sat not far from him looking out into the clear ocean. She's been more talkative lately. Actually she hadn't stopped talking since their night at the carnival.

He didn't regret opening up a piece of him to her, if anything he felt relieved he could share his past with someone but he could never continue. He tried to tell her other things but his chest tightened and throat closed up every time he opened his mouth. He knew she wanted to tell him more too but maybe she was feeling the same thing? Maybe it was just as hard for her to open up and trust someone.

Two days had passed since their night at the carnival and the more they drove, the more Idris felt free. Free of his mind. Free of his emotions.

He knew he was somewhere in Texas. The beautiful place had land upon land with green grass and hills that went for miles. He never would have thought Texas would have a beach since he always thought of it to be dry and farm orientated but boy was he wrong.

It was so much more than that.

"Earth to Idris", Carson laughed, snapping her fingers in his face which caused him to scowl and swat her hand away.

"What?", he said, leaning on his hands to look up at her.

She was wearing tight skinny jeans and a blue top that flowed over her petite frame. Her brown hair was out and wild today, flying everywhere from the wind, not that she seemed to mind.

"I said do you want to go in", she grinned wiggling her eyebrows at him.

He almost choked on the air. It was below fifty degrees. She was nuts if she wanted to swim in the water that would most likely give them the flu for weeks.

"Crazy fucker, I'm not going in there to only die from frost bite", he shivered narrowing his blue eyes at the girl.

"Suit yourself, you ran away to be free what's more freeing than dipping in that water without someone telling you to not do it because of this or that", she whistled, waving her hand in the air, "Let loose a little and live life my friend", she finished beaming from ear to ear.

What is with this girl?

Idris let her words sink in. She was right, they were free to do what they pleased so why would he be the party pooper when he could join the party instead.

Feeling confident, he rose from his spot and started taking off his hoodie, his shirt which soon followed with his pants.

"Woah dude, keep your boxes on please, let's not go too extreme", Carson snickered while taking off her own clothes.

Idris rolled his eyes before taking Carson's hand and dragging her into the cold water.

The water felt like ice. They were both shivering with blue lips and fingers. One second in there and they were both out running towards their clothes and towels.

Idris was so fucking cold he couldn't feel his body. Now he knew what people meant about having 'blue balls' because his balls felt very much blue. Even if it wasn't the metaphor others used it for.

"Holy. Shit", Carson trembled shaking from head to toe. Her hair sticking to her face.

She looked dead and Idris knew he didn't look much better.

Wrapping his towel around him, they both grabbed their clothes running  towards the car.

Idris felt alive. For a split second he felt weightless as if he wasn't carrying the world on his shoulders for once.

"You're a bad influence but fuck that felt good", Idris chuckled shaking his head at the girl laughing beside him.

Carson threw him a wink before throwing on her clothes in a rush. Idris shortly followed after her.

Once they were in the car with the heater turned on high and Carson layered up with three of his hoodies wrapped around her. Idris rested his head on the window, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Is that a smile I see? Why Mr cold heart seems to be getting soft on me", Carson joked punching his arm lightly.

He let out a soft chuckle rubbing his arm mockingly.

"You're an odd one Carson", he replied smiling. Never in his life had he felt so free. So human.

"I don't think I've said thank you, you've done so much for me Idris. I'm so grateful to have you here with me", Carson frowned, all trace of playful Carson gone.

Idris straightened his back and focused his attention on the brown haired girl.

"Thank you. I saw the world as black and white, mostly black but now- now I see things differently", he answered giving her a soft smile.

She reached over and grabbed his hand in hers.

"Does this make us best friends?", she smiled.

Idris felt a wave of warmth take over him. His heart no longer aching but beating.

"You're my only friend so you might as well be my best friend", he teased, casually sending her a sheepish grin.

She let out a loud snort.

"Same", she laughed.

Idris grinned at her. He never wanted friends after what happened to him, he never wanted to let someone in..

Until now.

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