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People were everywhere.

Cars scattered around the dirt road followed with rides stationed in every corner. The place was lit up with fairy lights hanging across poles and music flowing through the air.

It was magical.

Idris and Carson had managed to find a small carnival going on and decided to check it out..Well technically Carson begged for a good twenty minutes before Idris finally caved in.

He was secretly starting to get excited. He never had the opportunity to attend any carnival, hearing stories of how much fun the people his age had, made him feel left out.

"Oh my god Idris this is amazing!", Carson squealed, her eyes dancing with excitement. She looked up at him grinning from ear to ear, Idris couldn't help but let a smile take over his own lips.

She looked so happy, Idris felt warmth in chest at the sight of her giddiness.

"It is", he agreed, sending her a genuine smile.

Carson seemed surprised by his action causing her grin to stretch wider, if that was even possible.

"You have a nice smile", she complimented, nudging him with her elbow.

Idris tried to frown but couldn't, his head was clearer today and where he was, who he was with, he had no reason to frown.

"Don't think this changes anything", he murmured in her ear causing Carson to chuckle. She grabbed his hand and began dragging him towards the Ferris wheel.

"Let's just have fun today yeah? Forget all our problems", she whispered to him.

"Now you're talking", he said, scanning the crowded place.

Idris paused for a second, his body wasn't shutting down like it usually did when he was in crowded areas, he felt..normal.

Maybe it was the break through their friendship had a few days ago or maybe it was the fact he was so far away from their old town, he felt himself loosening up.

But one thing was clear, he absolutely loved carnivals.

Hours passed by and in no time the carnival was coming to an end. Idris hadn't had so much fun in his life, they went on every ride and tried every food they could put their hands on. To say they were worn out would be an understatement.

Carson trailed behind Idris holding onto her unicorn she begged him to win her. When he did she was so ecstatic, she couldn't stop thanking him. Idris eventually told her to shut up after the third 'thankyou'.

People moved passed them in a hurry wanting to get home and warm. The air was crisp and bitter as the sun began to set spreading goosebumps all over his body. Idris shivered as he turned his attention to a family laughing. A pang of hurt shot through him as he kept his gaze on them.

Why couldn't he have a family like that? Why couldn't he grow u-

"Hey Idris look", Carson said quietly interrupting him from his thoughts as she pointed to where other people were gathering up the hill.

He shrugged his broad shoulders pulling his hoodie over his head.

"Wanna check it out?", he questioned, raising an eyebrow at her. Her eyes brightened as she nodded eagerly before leading him to where the others were.

As they got closer towards the group, a huge bonfire sat in the middle while logs surrounded it, occupied by a few strangers sitting down talking and others scattered around the place watching a young man play the guitar. Idris felt his muscles relax as he listened to the man play songs he hadn't heard in a long time.

Dragging Carson to one of the logs, they both sat down enjoying the soft music and chattering. For once Idris didn't complain about the noise if anything he rather enjoyed it.

"Everything", Idris muttered softly to Carson staring down at her. She looked up furrowing her eyebrows.

"Everything?", she questioned, moving closer so she could hear him.

"I was running from everything, I was running from myself", he whispered focusing his gaze on the guitarist who changed songs all of a sudden.

"That town turned me into someone I wasn't, I lost myself in all the chaos and couldn't find my way back. My mother left me behind when she married a man I hardly knew, my real father left me when I was born and", he cursed, shaking his head "and I can't continue", he sighed frustrated.

Carson opened then shut her mouth multiple times not knowing what to say. She was so shocked he even opened up a little bit to her yet she felt so grateful he did.

"It's okay, you don't have to continue", she reassured him.

He nodded his head sending her a tight smile.

"I think-I think we were meant to find each other", Carson smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.

She held her unicorn closer to her as she looked up at the broken boy who looked so vulnerable and pained she knew in that moment, they both needed each other.

More than ever now.

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