Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

~Emilie's P.O.V.~

When we got to Andy's parents house, I jumped out of the car and ran in and Amy handed me Echo and he calmed down a little bit, but was still screaming. I felt bad for my poor baby. I took him to Faith's car and buckled him in before telling Faith to drive to the hospital.

~at the hosptial~

I got out of the car then I got Echo out and ran into the hospital. the lady behind the desk gave me a weird look.

"My son has a 102 degree fever." I said and the lady nodded her head and told me to go sit in the waiting room and to wait to be called back. I nodded my head and went to go sit down. A few minutes later, a doctor calls us back and me and Andy go back there and the doctor takes Echo from me and takes him into a room and tells me and Andy to follow him, so we do.

The doctor puts Echo on the bed thing in the room and pulls out a needle. "I'm going to need to take blood so I can find out what's wrong whith Echo." I nodded my head and then put my face in Andy's chest as my baby started crying from the needle. When the doctor was done, he walked out of the room and I went to Echo and picked him up then I walked back over to Andy.

~30 minutes later~

As we're waiting in the waiting room, i feel my phone vibrate and I look down and see a text from Faith.

F~ How's Echo?

E~ Idk. We're still waiting for the results

F~ Oh. Well let me know what the doctor says. I love you boo and I don't like seeing you hurt like this.

E~ Alright. And thanks. I love you too, mama

"Echo Biersack?" The doctor called. Me and Andy stood up while I held Echo and walked over to him.

"Mr and Mrs Biersack, Echo has pneumonia and we have to keep him here until he's healthy again. May I have him please?" I nodded and handed Echo to him and then I looked at Andy and started bawling my eyes out.

"Shhhhhh. It'll be ok, babe. He'll be healthy again in no time" Andy reassured me. I just sighed and cried while Andy walked me to the car.

~Back at Emilie's and Faith's house~

I walked into mine and Faith's house and seen her sitting on the couch. When she heard the door open, she looked up at me and jumped up and ran over to me.

"Where's Echo?! Is he ok?!" She asked, worried.

"He has pneumonia and has to stay at the hospital until he's healthy again." I said and Faith gasped and pulled me into a giant bear hug and let me cry into her shoulder. I pulled away from her when Andy walked in the house and put his arms around me and looked at me.

"Let's go to bed. We've had a rough night." Andy said and picked me up and carried me into my room then he layed me in my bed then climbed in next to me and put his arms around my waist.

"What about Aspen and Aurora?" I asked Andy.

"We'll get them tomorrow. After we go see Echo." Andy said. I just nodded my head and cuddled closer to Andy. 

So much for the best day of my life. I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

-Faith's P.O.V.-

After what Emilie told me was wrong with Echo and Andy carried her to her room, I broke down and Jayy came over to me and asked me what's wrong.

"Echo has pneumonia and I can't imagine how Emilie feels since he's her son, but I'm crushed!" I said as I cried into Jayy's chest. Jayy just rubbed my back and told me that it was getting late and that we should go to bed. I nodded my head and followed Jayy to my room and I changed my clothes and climbed in bed next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and I snuggled into his chest and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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