Chapter 4.

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Emilie's P.O.V.

As me and Andy sat on the beach, Andy was staring at me and waiting for me to answer. "I-I-I did it because my grandpa died and we were very close. And also people at school. They're always telling me that I should got kill myself." I said really quickly. Andy pulled me into a hug and told me that everything is going to be ok. I didn't believe him though.... "I'm ready to leave." I said as I started to cry. Andy noticed and hugged me again. "Alright. Let's go." As we were heading home, I started feeling really tired. "Can we go to Walmart really quick?" I asked Andy. "Why?" he asked me. "I want to get some stuff..." I said and he nodded his head I got really happy and started bouncing in my seat. Andy gave me a weird look, but the light turned green, and Andy started driving again.

Once we got to Walmart, I ran inside to the candy isle. Andy grabbed a cart and followed me. I started throwing candy in the cart and then I went to the drink isle and started putting monsters in the cart as well. "Wow.." was all Andy said. "What? I love my candy!!" Then I went down the isle with the peanut butter and started putting Skippy in the cart. Andy's eyes got wide when he seen how much I liked peanut butter.

When we got to the checkout line, I made Andy put everything on the counter thing. He offered to pay for it, and I just smiled. When I seen the total, I started laughing. The total amount was $69.96 . I couldn't help myself. Finally he payed and we went back to his car, put everything in the trunk, and headed back to my house.

Andy's P.O.V.

When we were done at Walmart, we headed back to Emilie's house. When we got there, the lights were off and Faith's car was in the driveway.

We went inside, and Emilie started eating the candy and drinking a monster. She became really hyper, really fast, and started running around the house. I had to laugh at her, she had a blanket over her head and was yelling "BOO BITCH!!" I was cracking up by that point. Finally after Emilie ate all of the candy and drank all of the monsters, she calmed down and fell asleep.

Faith's P.O.V.

I woke up to skinny arms around my waist, and yelling going on downstairs. I looked over and seen Jayy asleep next to me. Awwww!! He's so damn cute! I carefully moved out of Jayy's grasp, trying not to wake him up, and went downstairs to see Emilie asleep on Andy's lap. I made my way back upstairs and seen that Jayy was awake. "Where'd you go off to, babe?" He asked me with worry and love in his voice. "Just downstairs to see what was going on." I smiled at him and he stood up.

Jayy's P.O.V.

When I woke up, Faith wasn't next to me. I started to get scared. Then she came back into her room. "Where'd you go off to, babe?" I asked her. She said "Just downstairs to see what was going on." she smiled as she said that. "Oh. Ok." I said and laid back down. Faith got back into the bed and laid her head on my chest. "I know this might be a little too soon, but Faith, I love you." I said and Faith looked up at me with those big beautiful blue eyes. "I love you too, Jayy."


Awwww! They love each other. Emilie went on a total sugar rush. And Andy doesn't want Emilie to harm herself anymore.

What will happen next?? (:

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