Chapter 14.

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This chapter will be all Emilie's P.O.V.

~3 months later~

Emilie's P.O.V.

I'm 9 months pregnant now and the baby is due any day now. Me and Andy decided to learn the sex of our child when i have him/her. When I got up to go to the bathroom, I felt this really sharp pain in my stomach. I screamed and Andy came running up the stairs to my side.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?! WHAT'S WRONG?!?! IS THERE SOMETH-" I cut him off by saying these two words: 

"It's time." 

Andy looked at me with wide eyes and picked me up bridal style ans carried me to the car.

The contractions were horrible, but I managed to keep them under control, and don't even ask me how I did it either.

Once we got to the hospital, Andy came and picked me up again and speed walked in. The lady behind the desk took one look at me and called for a wheelchair.

As the nurse took me to a room, Andy was following behind us like a lost puppy. When I got into one of those ugly hospital gowns, I told Andy to call everybody and tell them, but to call Faith first.

Andy went into the hall and called Faith. When he came back in, they had an iv hooked up to me and told me that I was ready to push.

Oh god. I thought as I felt a contraction come.

"GOD DAMN YOU BIERSACK!!!! YOU'RE NEVER TOUCHING ME AGAIN!!!!!!" I screamed as the pain intensified.

"Don't worry, it's just from the pain that she's in. She doesn't mean it." The nurse told Andy. 

"Alright. Just one more push...... and it's a boy!" The nurse said and handed our little boy to the other nurse in the room. I started to relax when I felt another sharp pain.

"There's two more." The nurse said. My eyes widened and I screamed in pain. I pushed until the nurse said "It's a boy!"

Finally after 3 more hours of pushing, the last baby came. I pushed and pushed and pushed and the nurse said "It's a girl!" I laid back and relaxed.

The nurse handed me the boys and then she gave Andy our little girl. 

"What are we going to name them?" Andy asked. I thought for a minute.

"How about Echo Pierce for the first born and Aspen Dimitri for the second born." I said, smiling. 

"That's perfect." Andy said smiling.

"What are we going to name her?" I asked.

Andy just looked at me and smiled. "Aurora Elizabeth." I just broke out into a huge grin.

"It's perfect. And so are they." I smiled and the nurse walked back in.

"Do we have names yet?" She asked? I looked at her and nodded my head.

She picked up Echo and asked what his name is. "Echo Pierce." I said. She did the same with Aspen. "Aspen Dimitri."

She then walked over to Andy and took Aurora. "Aurora Elizabeth." Andy said smiling. The nurse smiled at us and said that we have some visitors.

"Let Faith in first please." I said to her. She nodded her head and left the room. A couple seconds later, Faith ran in and yelled "WHERE IS MY NIECE OR NEPHEW?!?!?!?" I put my finger to my mouth to tell her to be quiet, and pointed to the 3 beds where my babies laid.

Faith's eyes went wide and she walked over to Aurora's bed and picked her up. 

"What's her name?" Faith asked.

"Aurora Elizabeth." Faith smiled at me when I said that.

"Then that is Echo Pierce and Aspen Dimitri." I said pointing to our little boys. Faith just smiled. She was speechless....... For once in her life.

~3 days later~

We were finally able to take the babies home today. Andy pulled into the drive way and got Aurora and Aspen out and left me with Echo, who in fact, is the heaviest one! >.< When we walked inside, we walked up to their nurseries and when I walked into Echo's, OMJ it was beautiful!

When I put Echo in his crib, I went down stairs and layed down on the couch. Andy came down and picked my head up and layed down with me. And I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.


New Chapter!! THE BABIES ARE HERE!!!!!! 

Picture of the babies on the side. -------------------------------->

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