Step Fifteen : Construction

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Dedicated to : @itsjenbabiee for the early inspiration to this story!!

Poem #3

I can hear the drills making little holes where the thoughts seep in

And I can feel the hammer as it tries to break in

And I can see the walls as they begin to cave in

I can smell the cement as it’s poured in

And I can hear as it’s smoothed over to forever remain underground

The damage is never healed, but why do you build over it?

Tell me, do you immediately put a bandage on broken skin

Or do you wash it, oil it, nurture it, and baby it

And then bandage it so it can heal?

And our hearts are the same

We have to baby ourselves after we're hurt

But even then the pain is still evident

We just ignore it

We...bury it deep

We claim that we'll open whenever we're ready...

But in reality....

We're forever under construction....

Journal # 4

So many times in life, we don't know how to ask for help, or accept it when it's offered. We're so full of pride that we would rather suffer...than admit things are beyond our control. We would rather take a journey alone, convincing ourselves it’s simply so no one else suffers, when really we're afraid of them viewing us as too weak to handle ourselves.

That's our problem.

I mean, it’s definitely mine.

I have someone... who is willing to suffer with me, rather than move on without me, but I'm hurting him, because I won't let myself love him.

And how does that make you feel?

Really...we need to forgive. It’s so much easier to say "Forgive and Forget" without knowing the pain, but having dealt with it’s impossible. We can't forget our pain and we can't easily forgive those who held our torment as their pleasure.

But we have to...

We have to...because...hurt people know no better than to hurt people... and then we'll have a world full of pain, no chances of reconciliation.... No chance of survival. No love, no happiness, no joy, and no redemption, anything... because we couldn't construct ourselves properly by filling our souls with forgiveness.

But where do I start?


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