Chapter 7: Secrets and a Birthday (T version)

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Author's Note:

This chapter was originally written as a Mature rating for language and consensual adult sexual situations. Our original chapter was uploaded into the companion piece which can be found on my author page; Deceptions & Secrets Alternative M chapters. We took the M rated chapter and made significant cuts, and added in toned down wording to make a T version. The choice is yours.

As always thank you for reading!

xo, DivergentPanda46 & FourTrisHEA


Chapter Disclaimer: This chapter contains implied adult-intimate-situations and references to sex and intimacy. If you are uncomfortable with this, please do not continue to read.

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Chapter 7: Secrets and a Birthday (T version)

Date: One month before Tobias's Choosing Ceremony (Middle of May)

*Beatrice POV*

Although my eyes are closed, I can see the light streaming in through my bedroom window.  I don't open them; I know that once I acknowledge the sunlight I will not be able to go back to sleep.  For a moment I enjoy the gift of extra sleep, remembering that it is Sunday and we are allowed one extra hour of sleep on this day. 

I hear the water running in the bathroom-- the sink, more specifically.  How odd that anyone in my family would be up this early.  I turn over to lay on my stomach and it is then that I realize that Tobias is lying next to me. 

I sit up with a gasp, "Tobias!" I hiss as quietly as possible as I shake his shoulder.  He smiles without opening his eyes.  He obviously doesn't realize how late in the morning it is.  We both overslept. 

I slip out of bed, moving the curtain an inch to look outside through my bedroom window.  There is already movement in the streets; for a moment I wonder if I have confused the day of the week.  No, that is impossible.  I clearly remember that yesterday was Saturday as I babysat for two different families last night and I needed to split the evening.

And then I remember, today is a special day of service for Abnegation.  That explains why everyone is up and running so early.

I close my eyes briefly remembering yesterday's conversation that went late into the night.  It is no wonder we both fell asleep.  We talked for hours about our future, our hopes and dreams.  It was not the first time that Tobias told me that he loves me and he wants to marry me. 

He actually told me that he would rather be Factionless with me by his side than allow anyone to keep us apart.  He was so emotional when he said it; the tears shining in his eyes made my heart ache.  There is something to be said for knowing that someone loves you so deeply that you may very well be their everything.  I love him so much.  His happiness means more to me than my own. 

I know his choosing day will be soon, and he'll be picking his future faction before me.  I had always dreamed of Dauntless, and now that Mother is financially secure and has Marcus...I've allowed myself to dream of that life again.  On the other hand, I love Tobias and I believe he is suited for Abnegation.  He still needs to take his aptitude test, but I would guess that he will get Abnegation.  He thrives here, he is selfless by nature.  I didn't say anything, but I know I would be willing to stay in Abnegation in order to be with him.  I love him that much. 

Last night was the first time we talked about having a family one day.  Tobias asked me if I was sure I wanted children.  That is an odd question to ask an Abnegation girl as we are raised to find our worth in providing our husbands with a child-- or two children, at most.  Any more than two children would be viewed as selfish.  I immediately told him yes, of course. 

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