Dont know

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Chapter eighteen (Jerome's POV)

We were in the living room trying to figure out what just happened.

"So where did Preston say they are going?" Jessica asked.

"I think he said the hospital m. Did their parents die or something like that?" I asked. I think when they left he had said something about their parents aren't dead. I goths and went to the kitchen, to check on Adam. He got left for a phone call 2 hours ago. I don't think Adam has ever talked so much before. Something had to be up. I walked in there, and he looked like he has been crying. So the nice bacca I am I asked him what was wrong.

"Nothing." he said walking away. Now I KNOW something is up. Adam has never cried ever before. Well, he did when his mother died.

I thought forever-A Bajan Canadian FanFicton (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now