Chapter 8

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{Niall’s POV}

I sat down near the window looking out at the rain as it stuck to the windows. It was pouring outside and the sound of the pitter patter on the ceiling was bringing small pieces of comfort. I closed my eyes wrapping my arms around myself hearing the bedroom door open. I didn’t bother to look up knowing that Louis was the only one in the house with me.

“I brought you some tea”

I look up shaking my head and he sighs. I don’t want any tea right now. I don’t want anything right now. Not even Harry and that says a lot for me. I just want to sit here and look out at the rain. I want the rain to take me in and consume me as a whole. To take me away and slowly wash away all my troubles. I smile at the thought of living normally without the everyday drama that I’m forced to live through.

That’s the problem.

I’m done thinking of every problem that I have. I’m done obsessing over things I can’t change. I can’t take it anymore. I know that if I let them get to me I’ll only sink further and further. Focusing on my troubles have gotten me nowhere and I know that now. I just need to get away. Somewhere secluded where I can be only and begin to rebuild myself as a person.

I stand to my feet walking over to Louis and he looks at me with worried eyes. His eyes search mine and I smile kissing his nose. The first step is to get out of here. Will he let me leave without me telling him where I’m going? No probably not but it’s what I plan to do whether we likes it or not.

“I’ll see you around okay” I whisper

“Where are you going?”

“I’m gonna go to Liam’s and start searching for my own place. I’ll call you later yeah?”


“Don’t worry about me. I just have a lot of stuff on my mind right now and I want to deal with it on my own. You’re very sweet for taking care of me and I love you for doing so. I just can’t stay here. Not now”

He sighs resting his forehead against mine and I press my hands against his chest. I take a step back walking over grabbing the only bag that I had with me. I walked towards the door stopping kissing Louis on the cheek and walking towards the door.

I’m proud of myself. I can get myself together on my own. I do love Harry and I have feelings for Louis which I’m starting to realize. I don’t know what I want but I know my first step is to get away from both of them. If I’m with one I’m hurting the other so I’m not going to deal with either as of now.

Is that mean?

No I don’t think so. I just don’t want to hurt anyone anymore. I walk outside pulling my hood over my head and walk down the street. Liam gave me directions to get to his place from here.  He was going to pick me up but I told him that I was just going to walk. Yes it’s cold but I don’t mind it right now.

A Dangerous Type of Love (Narry) ~Somewhat Short Story~Where stories live. Discover now