Ch. 27

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*passes out green lollipops*


  "How was it?" Beast Boy asked me on the way back to the tower. He had picked me up from school as a pterodactyl, and now we were soaring towards his home.

  "How was what?" I quizzed, actually trying to keep my mouth shut on the trip. Who knows what could be flying around at three something in the afternoon.

  "School. Isn't that what you just came from?" He bobbled his dino head in laughter. I smiled, scratching his back a little.

  "It was okay." I shrugged. He landed us on the beach and grabbed my hand as we walked into the tower.

"You can tell me if something's going on," he leaned close my my ear and ended up biting my earlobe. He liked doing that lately. Why, I don't know. I swatted him away and giggled, stepping into the living room of their house. As always, two titans were huddled around on the couch infront of the tv. Robin and Cyborg  turned around to find us hand-in-hand, helplessly flirting with eachother.

  "Get a room!" Cyborg joked. My face immediately flushed as always, as I tried to pull away from Beast Boy. He only pulled me closer, snaking his arm around my waist and hugging me tight.

"Why don't you get a blindfold, bro?" BB shot back with a laugh. Cyborg grinned with a wink.

"Touché." He said.

  "Hey (Y/n), Short time no see?" Robin beamed. I gave him a smile.

  "Yeah. Nice to see you too, Robin." I said.

  "Oh thank the goodness, Beast Boy you are the here!" Starfire yanked him from my arms,"I hope you do mind friend (Y/n), I need to borrow him for.. hmm maybe fifteen minutes." I nodded,"Beast Boy I need you to help me in my room, please."

"Why couldn't you get Cyborg or Robin to do it?" He asked. That was weird. They've been here the whole time.

"They do not lack the academic qualities like the you, Beast Boy." She giggled. Did she just flirtatiously call my boyfriend stupid?"Besides, they're not as strong as you are." And with that, she whisked him away down the hallway. I was tempted to follow. But I didnt.

  "Mmm, that's bad news." Cyborg shook his head.

"What do you mean?" I quiz.

"Nothin'. Just seems a little suspicious to me," He sauntered into the kitchen, leaving Robin and I alone. He shook his head and changed the channel on the tv.

"Don't listen to that idiot," he smiled,"Beast Boy would never do anything to hurt you." Somehow, I felt that very hard to believe. I felt tiny pangs repeatedly hitting my heart, and my stomach take a tumble like never before. Is this what jealousy felt like? I had never been jealousy with...


  It wasn't long after they left that the hallways filled with giggles and chuckles. Maybe this is how Raven felt. I did kind of barge into her life and basically snatched her crush out from under her like a rug. It was kind of cruel,"Hey (Y/n)?"

"Yeah?" Robin snapped me from my dazed state with a tap to my shoulder.

  "Um, Beast Boy... he told me what happened to you. How you stood on the train tracks and..." his voice trailed. God, now I was known as the girl desperately trying to kill herself,"I want you to know that..It's not you." Wait what?

"Huh?" I ask.

"You know.. normal people dealing with the death of a loved one go through the five stages of grief. But then I saw how you dealt know, and I thought I was crazy because you didn't deny he was dead, you didn't have anger, you didn't try to bargain your way out of's like.. you skipped a whole process of grief and went straight to acceptance."

Now he had my full attention.

"But then I realized that everybody's different. And nobody goes in the stages in order. So I thought,'Maybe the rest will come later'. But they never did. Not once. And I know it sounds crazy but.. I don't think it's even you controlling the grief of the death of Ja–I mean him."

  "So you're telling me.. that if it was me controlling how I feel.. I would go through the five stages?"

  "Well not everybody goes through it. Example, your case. I'm saying it's strange that you jump straight into a relationship with Beast Boy right after Jace died. Normal people would wait at least a month or a couple of weeks or so. But you, you just dove right in. " I was scratching my head at this.

"So wait, if it's not me, then who is it?" I quiz.

"Alright, let's piece this together. No grief, no mourning over a deceased loved one, directly in a relationship with an ex titan's crush right after. So the only one it could be is..."

I gasped,"Raven." A blinding red light flashed in my face, and before I knew it, Starfire's throat was in my palm against the glass, and the others were screaming at me.

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