Ch. 14

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Jace's Perspective


I didn't try calling or texting anymore, knowing she most likely would not answer. I knew I broke her heart, but I was trying so hard to fix it. I can't live with myself knowing I crushed someone's happiness over a couple of stupid vodka shots.

"Jacey Boo," Bella whined over the phone,"I need you! Its so lonely at my house when my parents aren't around." I scoffed and rolled my eyes as if she could see me.

"Bella, I told you to stop calling my phone to talk bullshit. I don't want to fuck you. Get it through you big ass, hollow skull that I was drunk." I hissed.

"You didn't get down on me like you were drunk." She moaned.

"And I regret everything I did with you. Every sloppy move we made, every ugly kiss we had. I regret everything. Stop calling my damn phone thinking you're going to get sex out of this 'cause you're not. You're annoying the living hell out of me and I wish you'd stop. Don't talk to me, don't touch me, don't even look at me in school because I want nothing to do with you." And I shoved my phone in my pocket, cutting it off. She was probably going to do the opposite and try to get closer to me, but hell, I will punch a bitch. Shoot one, too.

"Dude dude dude! Blake just knocked a windshield out of a car!" Keith charged my way,"The shit is hilarious!" I turned my head to see the shattered pieces of the glass from the windshield and shook my head in disappointment.

"You two are going to be the death of me, too." I chuckled. Suddenly, Blake darted our way screaming. It wasn't until he got up really close that we could hear what he was shouting.

"Run! Here come the cops! Run!" And thats how we ended up hiding in an alleyway. At least three cop cars zipped past us,"Oh Hell. Oh shit,"

"I'm not going to jail for you two idiots!" I whispered. Keith rolled his greenish-bluish eyes to the night sky and scoffed.

"Thanks for having our back, Homie." He murmured sarcastically. I slapped him in the back of his head, and stepped out from our hiding spot.

"They're gone. I'm going home." I stuffed my hands in my pocket and started down the street towards my house.

"What crawled up your ass and died, huh?" Blake called after me.

"Nah bruh, chill. He just lost his girl." Keith replied.

"Oh yeah. Hah! You need to stop bein' such a fuckboy, Jay!" Blake snickered. I lowered my head and started sprinting home. I didn't lose her. I didn't want to think I did. I hope I didn't. I love (Y/n). She was my first real love. I can't believe I was so stupid as to get drunk and fuck another girl. I threw my keys into my door and pushed it open. I tossed my keys on the counter and travelled up to my room.

"Why you out so late, boy?" My dad's redneck voice came from the couch, where it always did.

"Minding my own business." I stomped up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door shut, flopping on my bed. Not even ten minutes later, my mom's head popped in the doorway.

"Hey sugar!" She chirped. I rolled then closed my eyes, crossing my legs on the bed,"Still hung over about that girl?"

"She's not just a girl, mom." I groan, turning over. I hate it when she does this. Every time something wrong goes on in my life and I go to my room, she bursts in and tries to find a crappy way to cheer me up, which most of the time doesn't work.

"Wanna talk about it? I made dino cookies!" She cooed. And, her baby side kicks in.

"No, mom. Im too old for that crap," I turn over again,"Just leave me alone."

She hesitated, so long I thought she left, so I had to turn back over and make sure she was still there,"Sweetheart, I may not know much about how you young men work, but I do know how young women work. Try your hardest to apologize. Even if it doesn't work, at least you tried. "

"What do you think I've been doing the past week? Ive been texting, calling, and trying to find a way to talk to her at school. She avoids me. She doesnt answer any of the messages I send her, her phones go straight to voicemail when I call, and that girl I played around with is stuck by my side and I cant get her off. It's annoying. But, I can take it. So just leave me alone, ok?" She sighed, shutting the door behind her. I felt bad for blowing her off like that, but she needs to learn that I can handle my own problems.

No matter how ugly they are...


*cri* im so sorryyyyyyy! I havent been on in all four of the evers! Buuuut Spring Break is tomorrow for me and I have a whole week to myself! :D i hope i dont forget tp make a chappy D: one more vote to make 100 people! Lets do this! :D

QOTD: Enjoying life? :)

Let Me Love You,

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