Ch. 21

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Your Perspective


Beast Boy was still there when I woke up later on. I tilted my head upwards, to glance at his sleeping face. He drooled a little on the bed, which was kind of cute.

"You're not old enough.." he muttered. Talking in his sleep, one of the sneakiest ways of figuring out secrets and dreams,"Listen.. listen to mommy." His hand twitched slightly, then moved to his chest, where it rested,"Muh.." I realized he was having a dream about us and kids. The thought of it turned my face scarlet.

"No, you're the superest mom.." he mumbled,"No more milk..." I thought about waking him up for a second, before I slid out of the hospital bed and tiptoed barefoot out of the room. What harm could going down to get an iced coffee hurt? Besides, I was almost healed, and I didn't need those needle things in my arms anymore. They kinda stung. My nurse called them "Feel Better Tubes" which was a little baby-ish to me. I passed down the ward to get to the elevator. I bumped into a couple of groaning patients and a guy walking around with a pole. These people looked sick, and horrible. I thought this was a hospital, not a holding station.

I had to turn another way to escape a room with a screaming patient inside. There were nurses and doctors of all shapes and sizes. Some frightened me, few carrying large, gigantic needles around. I bit the tip of my index finger nail and pressed down on the elevator when I finally reached it. I waited a few seconds before it dinged and I stepped inside. A broad shouldered male nurse gave me a welcoming smile when I took a step inside. I pressed the lobby floor and rested against the railing. I heard his nails tapping against the walls, as I turned to him nervously. Did I mention that elevators are the most uncomfortable places on the planet? Its right after being lodged in a single toilet bathroom with another person, and the school locker room.

"So, what are you in for?" He questioned. Last time I checked, this wasn't a jail either. I was about to tell him that an psychopathologic (is this even a word? Meh.) demon attacked me because she was jealous that I had the attention of her long-time crush. But, I pat myself down and realized I left my board and marker back in the hospital room.

Damn it.

I pointed to the wrap on my neck and grinned skittishly. He nodded his head and pulled out a clipboard.

Hey, lets all just magically pull something out of our side, why dont we? I shook my head and watched the red numbers on the elevator screen above drop.

"Ah, you're uh.. (Y/n) (L/n) right?" He asked. I nodded. Whooptie-damn-doo you got my name right. Can this elevator open now?"Garfield Logan.." he mumbled,"Is he your dad?" Garfield Logan? Who is that?"Brother?" I shook my head. I don't know who this guy is. And why would he have any relation to me-

Oh my God.

Garfield Logan is Beast Boy. That's his real name. Why couldn't he tell me that? The elevator dinged, and I quickly rushed out, eager to get the iced coffees and get back to my room.

"Hey wait!" The doctor called behind me. I pushed past hospital patients, doctors and nurses to reach the cafeteria. I pushed open the double doors, revealing a full room of bustling visitors and patients, hungry workers and sweating cafeteria ladies. I wandered my way to the surprisingly short line and waited for my turn. Of course, the guy from the elevator bursted into the cafeteria as well, glancing around for me. I hid behind a large woman in line, trying to keep myself as invisible as possible until I was next in line.

"Good evening ma'am, what would like today?" She quizzed. Damn it, I really should've brought my board. I quickly pointed to iced coffee and the danish, and held up two fingers,"An iced coffee and two danish?" I shook my head and repointed to the iced coffee and held up two fingers,"Two iced coffees and a danish?" I facepalmed and shook my head. I pointed to the iced coffee and held up two fingers, then pointed to the danish and held up two fingers,"Oh, I understand. Yes ma'am. Two iced coffees and two danishes. That'll be ten fifty-eight please. " I hurriedly set a twenty in her hand and shook my head when offered my change. I was surprised the guy hadn't found me yet.

I grabbed the two danishes​ and the iced coffees and rushed out of the cafeteria. I pressed the elevator button with my foot and bounced until it opened and I stepped inside.

"(Y/n)! Hey, wait! Stop right th-" the elevator doors close, and he was left banging on the other side. I sighed, breathing hard, and pressed F7 on the wall. I stare upwards at the blinding lights until I hear the familiar ding again. I walk back into my ward, retracing my steps until I get back to my room. There he was, frantically pacing with two to three nurses around him.

"She couldn't have gone far right? Someone find her, what are you idiots standing around for!?" I knocked at the door sheepishly and watched all eyes turn to me,"Oh my Gosh, (Y/n)!" He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me on my forehead for a good five seconds, "Don't ever scare me like that!"

I grab my board and scribble, sorry daddy :). He shook his head and hugged me again, until I moved him away and set the iced coffees and danishes down, and kissed his cheek.

"You brought this yourself?" He quizzed. I nodded. He couldn't help but grin and sit me down. He handed my cup to me and opened my danish.

I quickly scribbled on the board, Your real name is Garfield?


Hello, my lovely landlubbers!

Aha, yeah I thought I threw that whole real name is Garfield thing is because I just figured that out :D I'm so late T^T

Hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway, tho. :) I'll see u next timmmeeeee

Happily Ever After,

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