Chapter 9 - Visions

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Building a raft is tricky, but what makes it worse is when you're having to build it at night when you can't see shit. At least I'm not against the clock having to escape from things around me.

By the time the sun started to come up I'd just finished gathering large logs and vines from the forest.

Once the raft was done the only things left to do were make an oar and get that thing in the water.

'Bloody Hell this thing weighs as much as Derek when he fell on top of me, drunken fool' at least my humour is still there.

The water was freezing but refreshing at the same time, it was a bit rough on the shore but once I got past that bit it was clam. The sun was getting hotter and I didn't have any fresh water or food at hand so I needed to get through this as quick as I could. It didn't help at there was sand still in my wounds or that the sun was beating down on my back at this point, the only thing I knew was that I needed to head east.

Catherine's P.O.V

"Wake up sleeping beauty" When I opened my eyes I saw Derek's face upside down, then realized that I have fallen asleep on the sofa.

"What time is it?" I asked while sitting up right.

"Almost the afternoon"

"Oh, is there anything new as to Andrew's whereabouts?"

"Actually it's funny you mentioned that" I turned to Derek.

"Out with it" I wasn't in the mood for playing games.

"Turns out a ferry ship off the coast of Santa Monica found him on a raft in the middle of the ocean"

"You're kidding?!" He nodded no.

"Where is he now?"

"He was at the hospital down there, then the police station and now he's gone again" I sighed.

'Why won't he just stay put for once?'

"Great... Well at least we know he's okay now, right?"

"Besides eating the crappy hospital food, I'm fine" I turned to the kitchen to see Andrew, arms crossed leaning against the door frame, looking like he'd been chewed up by a monster and spat out.

"You look like Heaven and Hell had a war" I said grimly.

"Nice to see you too, anyway I would have been here a lot quicker if I'd flown but..." He turned his back to us, his wings were gone and the only thing left were stumps in their place.

"What the fuck happened!?" Derek's grim expression was enough to let Andrew know he could turn back to us now.

"I don't exactly know, one minute I'm in a bar next I'm flat on my back on a beach in the middle of nowhere"

"Beach?" I asked.

"Yeah, the rest of the island was forest and a little open area with a lake"

'Katrina Insula!'

"Do you remember anything else from the entire time you were gone?"

"No why, I was only gone for a few hours"

"Dude you been missing for weeks" Derek chimed in. Andrew's face was depressing.

"Well I guess the important thing here is that you're back, now if you don't mind, go and get a shower you stink of fish and... Candy?" Derek sniffed the air.

"She's right, why do you smell of candy?"

"I - I don't know... I'll go shower then" Andrew left and headed for the upstairs bathroom.

"What do you think?" I asked Derek.

" I'm not sure but it looks like I get a free pass on the mind search, Yess!"

"Childish much? And I think I'd like to see both point of views so nice try" Derek's face went from a gleeful child to a glum teen in seconds.

"Aww!" He complained.

"What's so bad that you don't want me to see?" I asked.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you"

"Or try to anyway" I laughed, he was like a winney puppy.

"Maybe we should give it a break for now I mean he literally just walked through the front door and already you want to probe his mind for information" he did make a point, maybe we could just take a break.

"Alright fine, but after that we need to focus, I don't want the same thing happening to you"

"Aww evil beings do have hearts"

"Shut up" I got up from the sofa and out the front door.

"Where are you going?" Derek followed me outside, holding my arm back.

"I know the island Andrew was talking about, I'm going to see if I can find anything" I pulled my arm from his grip and brought out my wings.

"Didn't you say the stalker takes pictures of you when you do that? Meaning their doing it now?!" Derek scanned the area for anyone in sight.

"At that point I couldn't care less if people found out about me" I was getting ready to go.

"But I do, you're not just putting yourself in danger when you're careless, you're also putting as out there too"

"They wouldn't know about you if you stay out of sight" that was the last thing I said before taking off and heading for Katrina Insula.

'How come Andrew ended up there? What's the deal with that place anyway? And why did he smell like candy?' I feel like the questions keep building up and there just aren't enough answers out there to find. Why does everything have to be a bloody puzzle in this world?

Finally the island. Well I can see where Andrew built the raft and the red sand must have come from his back. I followed the trail of bloody sand. He had been pretty much everywhere on the island except up to the lake area in the middle. The only thing of his left on the island was his torn shirt.

I picked it up, before trying to dust the sand from it my vision went blurry. Then I could a cave sort of place, I was tied to what I think was an old fashioned chair and some creepy looking guy who looked like he'd come from the 70's. He was sticking a needle into my left arm then, everything went black and I was back on the beach holding the shirt.

'What just happened?' I asked myself.

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