Chapter 13

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Kellin's POV
We walked into the restaurant and I saw my parents, I gulped and got nervous. I stopped, Daisy looked up at me, I gulped and looked at Vic. He said" Kells, it's okay." I lifted Daisy up and held her on my hip, she laid her head on my shoulder. We sat down and Daisy sat in the middle of Vic and I, I said" hey." My mom said" hello, sweetie." My stepdad said" hello, son." My mom said" who's that?" She pointed to Vic and Daisy, Vic said" hey, I'm Vic.. Kellin's boyfriend, and that's Daisy, our daughter." I gulped, I said" I love both of them will all my heart." My mom said" raising a little girl with no mother, you should be ashamed." I flinched, Daisy hid behind my arm, I said" can you please stop being so forceful? You're scaring my daughter." My mom said" you should be scaring her, she's in a sin home." I gulped, Vic said" we take care of her more than you ever took care of Kellin." I said" I'm gay and there's nothing you can do about it." My stepfather said" you should be ashamed of yourself." I said" never." My mom said" I made sure to take you to church, be a perfect mother, but you still turned out horrible. You are gay, dating a boy! And you brought a young child, who needs church, into the sinfulness." I said" Vic, take Daisy outside." Daisy said" no! Daddy! No!" She wrapped her little arms around my arm, I closed my eyes then opened them, I turned to Vic. Vic said" come on, darling, it'll be okay." Daisy let go of me and he lifted her up, they walked out. I turned to my parents, I said" go to hell, and never talk to me again." I got up and walked out, Daisy was screaming and crying, Vic said" Kells, she wants you." I took her into my arms and she tightly held onto me, crying into my neck. I rubbed her hair and back, trying to calm the scared little girl, we started walking back to the bus.

Once we got to the bus, Daisy had tired herself out crying, and now was asleep in my arms. We walked onto the bus, Vic shushing the guys once we walked in. The guys looked at us and went quiet, Vic said" let us take her to bed." They all nodded then we walked into the bunks, Vic grabbed her blanket, pillow and plush then we walked into the back room. I laid her down and grabbed her pj's, Vic helped me carefully take off her shoes and dress, then we changed her into her pjs. I kissed her head and pulled the blanket over her, then put her plush in her arm. I whispered" good night, baby." Vic and I walked out, we went back into the main lounge, I said" told them to go to hell." Justin said" went bad?" I said" horrible." I laid my head on Vic's chest, as he leaned back, I said" I hate them." Vic said" yeah, me too." I said" Daisy hates them too, I could feel it from her, she didn't like how forceful my mother was being." Justin said" video game cheer up." I laughed, he threw a controller at me, and I let it land on Vic's stomach, Vic groaned, then glared at Justin. I grabbed the controller and started playing, we played for hours, just having fun and being ourselves.

It's about 2am, I walked into the back room and laid next to Daisy. I smiled and kissed her head, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up to Daisy crawling onto my lap, I opened one of my eyes and saw Daisy curled up on my lap fast asleep. I smiled, sleepily, then closed my eye again, I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep.

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