Chapter 11

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Vic's POV
My baby girl is finally better, and I can't stop smiling because she's going crazy. Kellin cuddled up to me and watched as Daisy jumped from couch to couch avoiding the " lava floor " Kellin said" she's adorable." Tony and Mike walked in, Mike said" lava floor?" I nodded, he and Tony sat on the couch next to us, Mike said" I wonder how she's gonna react to Erin and Alysha?" He looked at Kellin and I, I said" I'm not in this. Neither is Kellin." Tony said" don't leave us hanging, come on." Kellin said" we don't know. But record it for us. You're watching Daisy. Tony don't let her obsessively watch the turtles." Tony snickered, then said" no promises!" Kellin said" Daisy, come here." Daisy hopped over to us and sat on my lap, Kellin said" Vic and I want to go on a date, can you stay here with the guys for a little while tomorrow?" She nodded, saying" okay, daddy." She hopped over to the other side, Kellin looked at me with a smile, I smiled back and kissed his nose.
I'm woken up by Daisy and Kellin poking my face, I opened one of my eyes to see them smiling. I said" what time is it?" Kellin said" 10:30am, come on, get up." Daisy giggled saying" dad, get up." I smiled saying" maybe I'll just lay here the whole day." That caused both of them to gasp then giggle, I said" go mess with Justin or Gabe." Daisy squeaked then ran off, Kellin laughed and kissed me then walked away.
I walked into the main lounge and saw them doing nothing and on their phones or playing a video game. Daisy was next to Kellin, like normal, and messing with the flannel that was on her, I said" is that my flannel?" Kellin and Daisy said" nope." I said" but it really looks like mine." Kellin said" so..." he smiled innocently and then I bent down in front of Daisy, I said" maybe I should take a closer look." I moved the flannel then tickled her, she laughed squeaking and then grabbed my hands. I smiled, letting her get away from the tickles as she tucked into Kellin's side and made his arms wrap around her. I said" hmm, that's my flannel but since you're so adorable, I'll let you borrow it." She smiled then kissed my cheek, I laughed, Mike said" the girls are about to be here, you guys leaving yet?" Kellin said" kicking us out so you can corrupt our daughter?" Mike said" duh. Now leave before we pick you both up, and kick you out." Tony said" we'll take the best care of Daisy, don't worry Kells." I said" candy. Movies. Tv. And a lot of junk food is taking care of something?" Tony said" we made one mistake, forgive us!" Justin said" we accidentally told her she could have the monster, we weren't paying attention. We'll pay attention. Now go do coupley things!" Kellin and I laughed, Daisy said" bye, Dad! Bye, Daddy!" We hugged her and then walked out.

Mike's POV
Once Kellin and Vic left, Daisy sat next to me and cuddled into me, I said" so what shall we do today?" She said" cuddle an' eat." I laughed, Justin said" the rest of SWS is doing photo shoots and interviews. Have fun!" They all got up and left, after saying goodbye. Jaime said" well... your girls are coming over here so they can meet Daisy." Daisy looked at Jaime with a tilted head, Jaime said" oops!" Then zoomed off into the other room, Tony said" our girlfriends are coming to visit us and meet you, is that okay?" She nodded, mindlessly, I said" and we'll go out to eat, okay?" She nodded, and tried buttoning the buttons on Vic's flannel, she tried 5 times before she got aggravated and huffed then sat down pouting. Tony said" here, let me show you." He walked over to her and showed her how to button them, she tried again but failed, her fingers just kept slipping and she's only 5, she hasn't officially learned how to tie her shoes either but she ties them her way. Which still has two loops and a knot so we aren't saying anything about that. Tony buttoned the flannel for her and then she cuddled up to me, I said" are you ready to meet our girlfriends?" She nodded, laying her head on my lap and looking up at me, I smiled and poked her nose, which caused her to squeak then say" I tell dad!" I smiled saying" go ahead." She pouted then laughed, I smiled and then the door opened, I turned that way and saw Alysha and Erin. Tony instantly jumped up and hugged Erin, I smiled laughing, I said" I'm stuck by a 5 year old." Alysha nodded then walked over, she said" hi, I'm Alysha." She smiled at Daisy, Daisy blushed and hid her face under my shirt, I smiled saying" she's shy." I tickled her stomach and she giggled then came out of hiding, Daisy said" you-re..." I said" you're." Daisy said" you're pretty. Mikey stinky." Alysha smiled saying" you're so adorable." I pouted, Daisy said" no! Don be sad!" She sat on her knees on my lap and held my face, pushing my face together trying to get me to smile. Tony walked over and shrugged, Daisy instantly got distracted by Erin. She jumped over to Tony and sat on his lap next to Erin, Erin said" hi, I'm Erin." Daisy smiled and hid her face in Tony's neck, Tony said" shy baby turtle." Daisy said" yeah." Erin said" I know, I'm a little shy too." Daisy came out of hiding and sat on Tony's lap, Erin said" Alysha and I would really like to know you." Daisy said" okay!" She stood up and grabbed Alysha's hand then Erin's and took them to her bunk. Tony and I busted out laughing, Tony said" I say she can't meet anymore people ever!" I laughed nodding, Jaime said" you guys realize your girls just got stolen from the smallest adorable girl, right?" We nodded, he laughed, and got up walking to the bunks, we followed.

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