Chapter 9

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Kellin's POV
The middle of the tour was probably the roughest part.
Daisy was asleep in the back lounge, the guys and I were all chilling in the main lounge. We were at the Warped stop, of course bands were going crazy, and messing around outside. There was a big pop outside which caused Daisy to scream and cry, Vic and I instantly jumped up and ran to the back room. She was crying and screaming, Vic instantly scooped her into his arms and rocked her slowly. She was scared so she hadn't stopped crying yet, I rubbed her back, and took her from Vic's arms. I rocked her slowly, singing Don't Fall Asleep At The Helm, I held her to me and rocked her slowly. I said" it's okay, it's okay, shh, shh, you're okay, you're okay." After a few minutes, she finally calmed down, I shushed her gently, she cried out again as another pop happened. I said" it's okay, you're okay. Shhh, shhh, Daisy, shhh, you're okay." Vic looked at me then got up, I knew who exactly he was gonna get to beat the shit out of whoever was doing that. Andy and Ashley of Black Veil Brides. Daisy calmed down quicker this time but still seemed to scared to fall back to sleep. I said" wanna hang out with us?" She nodded, I stood up and carried her into the main lounge with the guys. Jaime and Justin took it as their job to cheer her up, Justin said" Daisy, Daisy Bee, look at me!" She looked at him as he made a goofy face, she let out a tiny giggle, she sat on my lap looking at them. Jaime said" hey, Daisy, wanna see your dad with super short hair?" She instantly smiled and nodded excitedly, she crossed over to him and saw the picture of Vic from high school. She laughed, saying" that not dad." Mike said" yeah, it is, he was pretty funny looking, wasn't it?" She giggled nodding, I looked at Justin, Justin said" oh, Daisy! Wanna see a picture of your daddy when he had super duper short hair?" I said" Justin Hills!" Justin laughed and showed her the picture, her mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide. She looked at me then to the picture, she giggled, I said" hey!" She smiled, I said" go ahead and explode." She squeaked, and started laughing, I smiled, she said" you wook weird, daddy!" I said" I know." She giggled, and Vic came back onto the bus, Ashley right behind him. Daisy squeaked" Ashy!" Then instantly ran to him and hugged him, Vic and I laughed, Ash said" nope, she's being kidnapped, let's go, Daisy Boo." Daisy said" bye, Daddy, bye, Dad!" I looked at Vic, Vic shrugged and then they walked out, I looked at Vic. I said" how?" Vic said" she likes them." I laughed, and leaned back.

Once Daisy came back, she was practically jumping off the walls. Ashley said" have fun, we had a lot of candy on the bus." I said" jerk!" He laughed and ruffled Daisy's hair before leaving, Daisy jumped onto Vic's lap and said" Dad! Dad! Had lots candy!" Vic said" yeah, I know, crazy." She hummed loudly and then hopped up and ran around, Justin said" hey, let's put your hyper-ness to good use." He put her in front of the tv and gave her a controller and put her on Minecraft. He said" go crazy." Then sat back down, Daisy easily got zoned into the game and played. I nodded at Justin, He smiled and then laughed, Vic said" Daisy, having fun?" Daisy hummed, we laughed, watched her play the game.

Daisy crashed, falling over onto the couch and sleeping. I smiled and stood up, walking over to her, I lifted her up and carried her to the bunks. I put her in the bunks and tucked her in, I kissed her head, I mumbled" sleep well, Daisy." I walked back into the main room. I sat next to Vic, Vic said" of course, they're her favorite, they get her hyper every time they're around." I said" are you talking about how Andy and Ash are Daisy's favorite besides us?" He nodded, I laughed and laid my head on his shoulder, He said" seriously, then we have to hope she calms down from the sugar high." Justin said" its funny, just admit it!" Vic said" fine, it's hilarious and adorable!" Justin laughed, I shook my head and laid down, laying my head on Vic's lap. Vic said" maybe you should go take a nap with her." I laughed sarcastically and flipped him off, he laughed, kissed my head. It was only about 9:30 now, so we weren't going to bed anytime soon. Daisy doesn't really have a bed time either, she kinda just sleeps when she wants to, and is awake when she wants. We know it's not really healthy but we can't really control it since she doesn't like sleeping on the bus without us and then there's a lot of guys on this bus with one little girl and it's hard for them to be quiet enough for her to sleep. Hence the reason she's usually in the back room when she naps because it's sound proof. Vic said" who's watching her when we perform?" I said" oops." He laughed, He said" shall we get the sound guy crew to watch her?!" His voice laced with laughter, I said" the last time we let that happen, she somehow ended up on the tallest case and took all of us to get her down." Vic said" to be exact, she's a ninja." I laughed, Mike said" it was cool and scary at the same time." I nodded, Jaime said" that was awesome, she's like weirdly strong, but not." We all laughed, Soon, Daisy walked into the main lounge and sat on Tony's lap so she could color on a coloring sheet. He said" hey, Daisy." She mumbled" hi, Turwle." I smiled, watching her color clumsily since she's only 5.

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