Chapter 4

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Kellin's POV
We got home, Daisy was cuddled up to Vic, while we were watching Tarzan ,I smiled, and continued watching the movie.
Vic whispered" Kells." I turned to him and saw that Daisy was asleep on his chest. He rubbed her back and then pulled a blanket over her and moved her to the couch. I wrapped the blanket around her and kissed her head, Vic whispered" she's so adorable." I nodded, Vic whispered" so what're we going to do for tour?" I realized that we did have tours, but now we have a kid, meaning she's either going to be with me or Vic. I looked at Vic, he whispered" yeah, I know." I pouted, moving a piece of hair out of her face, I whispered" we'll figure something out." He nodded, we relaxed for a few minutes then walked upstairs and to her room, we changed the sheets and duvet.

I heard Daisy scream and cry, Vic looked at me before running downstairs, I followed quickly behind him. We saw Daisy on the ground, she was bawling, we ran to her and crouched down. I lifted her up into my arms, and rocked her, shushing her calmly. Vic said" she hit her head." I whispered" Daisy, let us see your head, you're okay, shh." She sniffled and cuddled into my chest, I was holding her like a little baby, she lifted her face up and I saw a little red mark on her hairline. I rocked her, whispering," shh, shh, you're okay, shh, shh." I kissed the mark, gently, she cuddled back into my chest and chewed on her thumb. I stood up and sat on the couch, her cries now lowered to a sniffle.
I softly sang," I lost my heart, my home is the ocean.
The waves underneath will soon be my home.
I will fall asleep.
I'll close my eyes and dream of days when I wasn't all alone.
All that I know is gone
Take what is left of me now
All that I know is gone
Take what is left of me
Fall deeper and deeper, the sirens are singing your songs.
I'll miss my breath, there's no more left.
I'll miss the sound of the wind at my back.
The depths have a number, they call you by name.
Fall asleep, Davy Jones calls you.
So fall asleep, fall asleep and dream.
All that I know is gone
Take what is left of me now
All that I know is gone
Take what is left of me
Fall deeper and deeper, the sirens are singing your songs." My voice lulled her to sleep, I continued rocking her for a second before I stopped and just let her sleep.

Once Daisy woke up again, it was 2:45pm, She crawled to sit next to me and laid her head on my side. I smiled, saying" Daisy, wanna do something fun?" She nodded and sat on her knees, looking at me, I said" come on." I stood up and she followed me, I walked into the kitchen, grabbing the keys to the car. I said" Vic! We're gonna go get stuff for a cake! Wanna come?" Vic walked from downstairs, nodding and then held Daisy's hand and lifted her up, she giggled and Vic wrapped her arms around his neck. She giggled and held onto him, as he started walking, I followed and locked the door.

Once we got to the store, we walked in and Daisy held the cart's handles, while she was between my arms. I smiled, and led us to the baking isle, Vic said" what we making?" I said" cupcakes!" He laughed and lifted Daisy up and sat her in the cart, we got confetti cupcake mix and then colorful icing and sprinkles and candies. Vic said" our kitchen is gonna be a mess, isn't it?" I said" possibly." He shook his head, saying" we need to get actual groceries too." I nodded, and we started grocery shopping, which was boring but fun since we got to buy stuff for Daisy to try since she needed snacks.

Once we got home, Vic carried everything into the kitchen while Daisy and I giggled when Vic made funny comments on how strong he was.

Daisy was watching Lion King while Vic helped me bake the cupcakes, I walked into the living room and saw Daisy, about 3 feet away from the tv, staring as Hakuna Matata came on. I smiled, and arms wrapped around my waist, and Vic's head laid on my shoulder. He whispered" we're getting her hooked to Disney, aren't we?" I whispered" oh, yeah." He chuckled and walked to her, sitting down next to her, she said" Vic! Piggy!" He nodded, smiling at her and pulling her onto his lap. I walked back into the kitchen and carefully felt the cupcakes to see if it was cool yet. It wasn't, so I walked into the living room and sat on the floor next to them, watching the movie.

Once the cupcakes was ready, we walked into the kitchen, and Vic lifted Daisy up onto the counter. I set all of them onto a tray and then Daisy started decorating them, Vic nudged my shoulder and I turned to him, he poked my nose with icing on his finger. I gasped, sending a fake glare his way, Daisy giggled, I smiled and got some icing on my finger and swiped it across Vic's cheek. He chuckled and wiped it off, then wiped my nose off, Daisy ate some of the icing.

After we were done decorating the cupcakes, we underestimated how much of a mess this would be with us messing around half of the time. Icing and batter was in Daisy's hair and on her face and clothes, I said" okay, bath time, Daisy." She said" w'okay, Kewinn." I smiled and lifted her off of the counter and led her to the bathroom upstairs. I helped her undress and then got her into the tub, I washed her face and hair and then her neck. I lifted her out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her, I smiled and rubbed her head, I said" can you change by yourself?" She nodded and I walked out, but left the door open so I could hear her from downstairs.

Once she came down, Vic and I had cleaned up the rest of the mess in the kitchen. She ran to us and latched onto Vic's hip, he said" hey, Daisy." He lifted her up and carried her to the living room, I followed, I turned on a kids' tv channel and relaxed into the couch, Vic sat next to me and Daisy sat on my lap, curled up, focused on the tv.

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