going back to 'normal'

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Will was glad Nico got out of the hospital today,

Will missed Nico. More than he would admit to. Will hated the feeling of waking up alone. He hated only able to see Nico for a certain time in case Nico would try and 'hurt him' when he was under medicated. Nico wasn't mad, insane, mentally ill or dangerous. All he was, was alone, scared, and in pain. Will intended to make him better. accurately, without the need of suspicious liquids, painful pokes, and brightly colored pills. 

Will and Nico's time together in the summer time was dwindling fast. With Nico in and out from hospitals, treatments and medicines, they hardly spent any 'quality time together' while Will would visit as much as possible, he wasn't really supposed to be around him, when he was given a new medicine or treatment. But it didn't matter to Will..

Will knew how much Nico hated it. The love. The sympathy. The hate. The pain. The pills. The doctors. Will knew Nico needed a treatment of sometype. The voices, Nico described-Will would be lying if he said they didn't scare him. Nico told Will-they even went by names-the names of gods-Greek gods. Dentities, creatures, and people that had died, and Nico had reluctantly moved on from. Ones Nico would only dream seeing again. As if his subconscious had felt his heart ache and had pity on him. Giving all those people back to Nico. Allowing him to experience joy of seeing them again. No matter how insane it was.

One day, when Will had walked into Nico's room unannounced, he found Nico, sitting with his legs crossed, and a sleepy expression like he was deep in thought. Will watched Nico's mouth mutter. His fingers twitching and fumbling absentmindedly. It scared Will. More than he would admit. Will tried to turn back-assuming Nico was yet to see him, but Nico uttered just a few words, that made Will's heart stop: "come and meet Bianca." 
Will knew Bianca, he remembered her. He remembered the day, the rumors, the lies, and the tears, the tears 10 year old Nico cried. He already felt abandoned by his sister..but now she was truly..gone. There was no way she could be back. No was Nico could "introduce him"

Nico was on his knees when Will approached him. Nico took Will's hand(this surprising Will greatly) Will keeled also. Nico had an easy smile. A genuine smile. Will's favorite smile. "Bia, you remember Will?" There was only awkward silence. "Bia...what'dyou mean Will can't see you?" Nico sounded truly heart broken. "Why not!?" Nico continued stubbornly.  Will continued to only hear one side of the argument.

Will wasn't exactly sure what to do for Nico. He wanted to help with all his heart he wanted to help Nico. He'd been told multiple times to trust instincts. But Will never did unless he was 100% sure it was the right thing. And Will wasn't really sure what his instincts were telling him. And he wasn't sure he wanted to know. Not if it meant saying goodbye to his Nico for good.

Will lost sleep every time Nico did. Both restlessly texting each other, eager for a responds for different reasons.  It was well past 3am, when the two decided to turn it in, when Will texted: hey, wanna go out tomorrow?
My sunshine💛: Solace, are you asking me out on a date?

Will felt his cheeks heat, he hadn't even thought of it...was it? Before he could panic too much, Nico wrote again: if so...I accept.

Will felt himself giddy, as he wrote: see you at noon?

My sunshine💛: its a date.
Me: good night my beautiful prince
My sunshine💛:good night

Will found himself drift into a peaceful sleep for the first time in weeks. Positive for Nico's well being.


Will woke at 11:45. All he could think was shitshitshitshitshitshiiiiiiitttttt. Ioversleptttttt
He furiously got dressed, a pair of faded blue jeans, a white hoodie, that read, "Their more than just books" his favorite hoodie. He didn't have time to admire it, shower, or even fix his hair. He knew Nico would be early. He always was. Nico knocked on the door. Will ran, hoping to avoid his mother answering the door, he wasn't exactly ready for her to meet Nico. She already knew Will's sexuality.  That meant every boy that interacted with Will was on her radar. Somehow, Will had avoided them meeting the whole summer.

His mother was hardly ever home, but today-she was. Will stealthily made it down the hall way, made it through kitchen...and fell..face first, into the floor. Will held his breath. When he was certain that his mother hadn't heard him, he got up without making a sound, and crept out the door.  "Hey Neeks" Will smiled once they were a safe distance from his house, and down the sidewalk.

"Will.." He nodded slowly.

Nico wore a black denim jacket over a red flannel. Will wondered how that could possibly be comfortable in the sunny weather. This time Nico and Wills fingers were laced together, engrossed in deep conversation.

They sat at McDonald's, Nico happily dunking his French fries into his vanilla milk shake, Will cringing each time.

Nico had a pleasant sleepy smile, looking out the window, not really aware of anything around him, the people that entered the room, Will staring at him, or the fact that Will was holding his hand a bit tight. They weren't exactly boyfriends, weren't exactly friends. Weren't nothing. They were...something.

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