take to the beach pt.1: Nico edition

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A/N: PLs don't hurt meh~

Persea: wanna go to the beach tomorrow?

Okay. Notification the day before. That was much better than what Percy had been doing..


"Beach day!" Percy yelled
Nico jumped from his bed, hitting his head on the board by his head. Percy climbed in from the window (like the spontaneous teen he was) and ran in, pulling Nico out of bed to get dressed, despite Nico complaining about not being able to brush his teeth or eat breakfast.
''Beach daaaaaay!"
Nico groaned, covering his ears, "fuck off Percy!" He yelled, showing off his middle finger. His favorite one when tired.
Percy continued dragging him by the leg, singing, "beach day! Beach day! " This kid sure liked the beach...


But it was around 4AM, and he was still awake, indulging in his guilty pleasures. Gay fanfiction. He rested his eyes for a moment. Slipping into unconsciousness.


" B-Bianca?" Nico glanced around. He hadn't seen Bianca in so long, it scared him that he'd lost her for good. Bianca turned around, a smile on her face. "B-Bianca?"
Bianca looked past him. Nico whirled around. There he was. Percy Jackson. Nico felt a fore of resentment. Or at least-that's what he thought he felt.

Nico ran until the whole scene with Percy and Bianca dissolves. He was in a dark and damp room. The scent of mold prominent. Nico felt his heart rate pick up. A dark figure enters through a door. He turns and locks it. He's tall, looming over Nico he had a whip. But that wasn't the painful part. The person. Was Will. He had this cruel smirk on his face. He looked nothing like him. But Nico knew it was him. He hit Nico pain washing over him. Will spat insults before each whip. Nico cried, the tears spilling out of him. " w-why are you doing this? I-I thought you loved me?" Nico whimpered. Will gave a cruel laugh. "Love you? Your more pathetic than I thought." And then there was only darkness and pain.


Nico was shaken awake by an eager Percy.
"Nico! Nico! Nico plzwakeupppp!" Percy pounded on Nico.
"Ack Percy! Get off!" He yelped, shoving Percy off him before he could reply. Nico sat up.
Percy breathed in deep, then Nico covered his mouth, "I know, I know, its-"
"Beach day!" Percy yelled, his voice muffled by Nico's hand.

Percy was already in his swim trunks. Nico blushed slightly when his eyes fell on Percy's well defined abs. "Neeks? You there?" Nico shook his head free from thought.
"P-Percy..isn't it kinda stupid to go to the beach today? It freezing!" He exclaimed hugging his arms.
"Wear a jacket!" Percy laughed.
"Won't you be cold in-um...that?" He said blushing.
"Nah." He smirked
Nico forced himself to look away.

Percy had the radio up loud, the windows rolled down. Currently it played Heavydirtysoul by Twenty one pilots Nico quickly realized. But why would Percy listen to 'emo' music? Nico didn't know. It had become their tradition. Percy would show up randomly with no warning, drag Nico out of bed, chase after Nico when he'd go back to bed the minute they'd get down stairs. Then Percy would make sure Nico stayed awake, get dressed, get in the car, listen to some amazing music. It wasn't the worst routine Nico had taken part of. 

Nico didn't realizing he was humming until Percy said, "Guess you know this song huh?" 
he blushed again, looking away "kind of.." he muttered.  Nico looked out the window. He knew they were getting close. He felt nausea in his stomach. But was it anticipation or fear? 

Nico felt like a dirty cheater. He was hanging out with Percy-and Will had no idea where he was. At least nothing was 'happening'. 


 As Percy and Nico headed off towards the beach, Percy would NOT shut up. "Hey, Neeks, did you hear the one about the guy who got attacked by a saw?" Percy asked, a huge, dorky grin plastered across his face. "He's only half the man he used to be." He started laughing like an idiot, while Nico just stared at Percy with a look that said he wasn't impressed in the slightest.  

"Percy, are you being serious right now?" he asked in a bored voice. 

"YEP!" he grinned. Nico sighed, rolling his eyes. 
"why are you like this.." Nico mutters
Percy didn't hear Nico's question, he went to the trunk to get his surfboard.
Nico waited for Percy by the big entrance, there were two paths, one led to a boardwalk, the other to the beach. "Where we going Perce?" Nico turned as soon as he heard the sound of Percy coming behind him. "Is that even a question?" Nico laughed a little, as Percy took off towards the beach. Nico took his time walking towards the beach as well.
Nico sat down in the tan sand. Not exactly the most comfortable experience. Nico looked around with a smile. There was hardly anyone there. A family or so, along with their young children. A couple other teens, maybe college kids-maybe skipping like them.

Nico watched Percy surf for a while. He was really good at it. Like scary good. Everything was going well, so Nico knew something was wrong. There was a particularly large wave going to crash on the shore. A monster of one, and Percy seemed intent to ride it. 

It only took minutes for Nico to wish he'd had a higher dose of anxiety medication. "PERCY!" Nico yelled frantically, but his voice was lost in the wind. He breathed heavily, looking around. Absolutely no one was on the surf besides Percy.  Only Percy was stupid enough for that. 

Everything was fast and overwhelming. Percy went under, crashing through the wave. Nico panicked-forgetting he didn't know how to swim and it was-the ocean. Nico ran into the water. Terrified-not for himself drowning-but Percy. Nico managed to stay afloat, he looked around, but Percy was nowhere to be seen. nor was his surfboard. "P-Percy!" he cried. Then he felt someone's arms around him. He squealed, starting to kick and scream, but then the kidnapper put a hand over his mouth, and they lifted him onto a surfboard, and he could see it was Percy. Percy let go a soft chuckle. "Percy!?" Nico yelled, Percy go onto the surfboard carefully, sitting behind Nico. "Percy you fucking jerk!" he pushed Percy back in. Percy came back up in seconds, with a goofy grin. Nico crossed his arms. "now I'm soaking wet!" he yelled sarcastically, ''thanks Percy! I swear ...I'm gonna kick you culo the second I get to shore!'' Percy grinned, grabbing Nico, and pulling him into the water. "PERCY!" Nico cried, clinging to Percy's body. 

Percy imerged from the water with Nico hugging to him desperately. Sitting back on the board, Percy looked at Nico with his shinning seas green eyes. Nico's dark brown eyes, bore into them. They were so close. "Nico, can I tell you a secret."
"no." Nico frowned,
"Yes." Percy smirked.
"no." Nico repeated,
"come're you stubborn child." Percy laughed since they were nearing the shallow. Percy leaned in closer(appearing as a kiss to everyone except Nico because he didn't feel the soft pressure of Percy's lips) Percy then Grinned, pulling Nico by his wet sweatshirt, back into the water.  Nico heard a short gasp. And the day's joy was gone. 

Their own definition of perfect(solangelo au)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant