Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to My friends at school who are helping me through some really rough times <3

               The next week went by with nothing of importance occurring. We came across a couple Sirens who only had an interest for picking up sailors. When the airheads were able to focus on something other than the power of seducing we figure out that some haven’t seen Camille. A couple hasn’t even heard the name.

               I am treated like a fellow pirate now opposed to the hostage I was before. I am just glad to have the advantage of sharing a room with Max. Not in the hot roommate glad. Don’t get me wrong though, that is definitely a plus but all the other pirates are under the deck stuck together sleeping on the ground or in little hammocks. They don’t even get their own hammock. They have to share. I would rather go back to my dirty cell than share a hammock with one of them.

               I’m not very smart when it comes to poker. It’s just a good thing I don’t have my money with me. I would be broke by now if I did. I know how to properly use a sword now and let me tell you, I am pretty skilled. Not good enough to bring down Max but I have won a fair amount of duels with the others.

“Again.” I have sweat pouring down my face from the past two hours of practicing with Max.

“Don’t you think you have practiced enough for the day?” Max asks looking concerned.

“If I’m going to be of assistance to all of you I need to be able to defend myself. Now shut your pie hole and come at me!” I lunge towards him but he sidesteps me. I aim my sword at his arm and he blocks it with his.

“Ouch!” I gasp as his sword grazes my forearm leading a trail of blood down my arm. A second later my back is against his chest. His blade is at my neck while the sword I was holding is in his hand pointed at my heart.

I can feel his breath against my neck, “Now be a good little pirate and beg for mercy. I want you to tell me how awesome and skilled I am. Then you can go on and on about how good-looking I am.”

I laugh and yell, “Wee woo wee woo! Narcissist alert! We have a self-absorbed psycho right here!”

“Brandy, you do realize that while you mock me I have dangerous weapons pointed at you?” He raises his eyebrows at me.

“Yes I do realize that but I know you wouldn’t harm me.” I crouch down to get out of his hold. He raises his eyebrows again but nods in agreement.

“Hey Max I have a question for you. Do you why it’s a good thing I’m a lady pirate?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him getting a confused look in return.

“I can distract people so easily.” I do a tuck and roll (Mostly to look fancy) and snatch both swords from him. I have one sword behind his neck and one in front. We’re chest to chest now and I have a smirk on my face.

“Don’t underestimate me Max. Did you honestly think you were that much better than me?” I question putting a pout on my lips.

“I must admit you are pretty clever. But you see I can be distracting too. You are not the only one aboard this ship that has the ability to charm.” Confused I lower the swords down to my sides and cock my head.

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