Chapter 5

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The sound of commands being yelled rung in my ears. I had a massive headache and the yelling wasn’t helping. I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar room. It was dark and had different treasures placed throughout it and some maps were on a desk. I saw a door leading to the outside. Curiously I got up and walked out of the room. I am on a pirate ship, guess that wasn’t a dream. It was still really dark outside. I walked across the ship to try and find the “captain.” I was getting strange stares from the others on the ship which was making me quite uncomfortable.

I passed by a guy with scruffy stubble on his face and a huge smile showing rotted teeth. Disgusting. He looked me up and down and his eyes rested on my chest. I looked down to see that I had rips in my clothing, probably from being dragged, and there was one going across my chest showing part of my bra. I quickly crossed my arms and tried to walk past him when he stepped in front of me.

“’Ello poppet.” He said to me and shivers ran down my spine. His voice sounded but weird and ancient.

I shuddered, “What is this, ‘Pirates of the Caribbean?’” I rolled my eyes. The smile on his face disappeared while his hand came up and slapped me across my face causing me to fall over before he kicked my side. He drew a sword and I shielded myself with my hands as I felt tears well up in my eyes. I heard metal against metal and brought my hands down. Max had hit the man’s sword out of reach and held his against the man’s throat. When he removed the sword, the man angrily stomped away to retrieve his sword before disappearing somewhere below the deck.

“Are you really that stupid? You just had to be sarcastic with him didn’t you?” He asked me while he put his sword back. He sounded pretty annoyed and looked mad.

“Look who is capable of emotions? So Max, would you care to explain why the fuck I am on a pirate ship?” I yelled throwing my arms in the air. He smirked at my outburst but kept quiet knowing I wasn’t done yet.

“Pirates don’t even exist anymore! Who are you? Are you all crazy people who escaped an asylum? It looks like it because you are all dressed up as fucking pirates with your outfits and swords and abuse! Do you even know where we are? It is late at night and we’re in the middle of the damn ocean. You are all psychotic! Get me home now and you’ll be lucky I don’t press charges against you. I knew something was wrong with you the mome-“

“Can you shut up for 2 seconds Brandy? You sound psychotic yourself!” He exclaimed while covering my mouth with his hand.

I ripped his hand off of my mouth and shouted “I got fucking drugged then kidnapped! How do you think I would be reacting?” I put on a big smile while I prepared my acting skills.

“Oh Max! This is so amazing! I absolutely love it. Pirates are real and now I get to be held prisoner by them! It’s a dream come true!” I ran up to several of the pirates that were eyeing me curiously and shook their hands, “Why hello there! I’m Brandy and you seem amazing. We are all going to be best friends forever while we search for treasure and kill everybody. Ha ha ha! Isn’t this wonderful?”

I grabbed Max and pulled him into a big hug, “You are the greatest person I have ever met you beautiful bundle of joy! Thanks for taking me from my home and away from my crazy and sick grandmother who only has me! Thank you so much for almost getting me killed several minutes ago!” He looked furious as his eyes got dark with anger and he grabbed onto my wrist and pulling me back in the room I came from.

“Look everyone! He is taking me back in the dark and creepy room! Maybe he’ll drug me again, or rape me and finish the job off by killing me! Isn’t it great?” He yanked me into the room and I stumbled before he grabbed my waist and turned me towards him. He had a vein in his neck that looked like it was going to pop.

“What in the fucking world is your problem?” He shouted. His hands were still on my waist and he was so angry he was gripping me really hard.

“Didn’t you here a thing I said out there? I was drugged and kidnapped. I am on an old pirate ship from centuries ago and you guys are pretending to be pirates!”

“I’m sorry that happened but it’s your fault. You shouldn’t have followed me. Pirates hate spies. Now you’re stuck here with us. We’re not playing pirates. We never left; we were just able to hide really well.”

“That’s not possible. You would be dead if you were from that long ago.” I stated while my voice trembled.

“If you calm down I’ll tell you everything and answer anything.” He smirked and winked.

“Okay, tell me.” He chuckled before taking a seat.

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