Chapter 20

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It's been a couple weeks since we heard that Preston's ship got the flag, yet we haven't heard anything of Calypso getting it. It was the last thing to complete the list of what she needs to bring back her lover.

Since we got back to the ship Max has not been afraid to let everyone know I'm "his." Whenever he talks about me he says sweet things or calls me his girl, kisses me in front of the crew, he is always holding my hand, and does other little things like that. He makes me feel so happy and loved. Another plus is now I was able to bring back my own clothes and other necessities.

"Here you go, sweetheart." Max made his way over to me in the bed handing me a bowl of soup. Lately I've been sort of seasick and I keep throwing up. That; or I got food poisoning from Wesley attempt at cooking. That was horrid; I still gag just thinking of the slimy chicken.

"Thanks." I smiled at him. He sat down next to me and pulled me closer.

"Are you feeling any better, babe?"

"Not really but I can manage. It's just weird how I've been sick. I had never gotten seasick from before and it's not like we were off the ship for that long."

"I agree; and Wesley made the chicken almost a week ago. I wouldn't think you would still be sick from that."

I folded my hands across my stomach and I sighed. Max looked downs at my hands in concentration before his eyebrows furrowed.

"Brandy, when was the last time you had your period?"

"A couple weeks ago I thought I was getting it but I was just spotting which I didn't think much of. I was supposed to get it a week or two ago. Why?"

"You've gained weight. Your stomach is definitely not as flat as it was."

I yanked the blanket up to my breasts blocking view of my stomach. Appalled, I exclaimed, "I beg your pardon? What the fuck are you getting at Max?"

"You don't think you're... pregnant? Do you?"


"We didn't use a condom that night we had sex Brandy! There is no way you could not be pregnant!" He jumped up from the bed and paced pulling at his hair, "Jesus Christ! How could we let this happen?"

"I'm on birth control, calm down." But then it dawned on me and I jumped up myself feeling the tears settle on my eyes, "I had no way of continuing the birth control after I was taken hostage. I am pregnant; oh no, no, no." I slid down onto my knees and let the tears fall. How could we let this happen? How could we have been so irresponsible?

As I wept on the floor Max pulled me up by my arms and embraced me, "Shh, baby. It's okay. I promise we'll get through this."

"But I'm only 19 and I have to deal with all of this."

"Not by yourself. I'm here for you and I won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Being the father of your child is not bad. We would have been parents one day anyways. This is a good thing; just think positive." He kissed me softly as his hand tenderly slid across my stomach.

We were lying down, his arm around my waist and my head on his chest, half asleep when we heard the shouts and the ship rocked. Max bolted out of the bed and pulled his shirt on. He told me to stay there but I followed him nonetheless.

The scene before my eyes was frightening to say the least. Barrels were on fire and men were in bloody combat. A few of our men and the other men were already dead on the ground drowning in their own blood.

Max immediately ran over to one of the attackers and punched him. I tossed him a dead man's sword in which he yelled at me to go hide inside. I turned around to go back when Preston himself was standing there. He grabbed both of my wrists and held them behind my back.

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