The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 2 - A House Divided (PS3, PC, Xbox 360)

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 Its been 4 months since the last Walking Dead episode landed, we heard nothing, not a peep. Then a week before Telltale said on Twitter it was coming and finally everything had it besides the PS3. Then nearly a week later it arrived for us PS'ers but the big question was only made bigger with this delay; was it worth the wait?

Picking up immediately after the events of the first episode, A House Divided drops us in the woods with Clem & your chosen survivor from the end of the first episode and places them in a small building surrounded by walkers. From there things escalate to meeting with a man named Carver who is adamant on finding the group you are with, leaving the safety of the home and tracking north to a old ski resort where a few old faces return.

This episode of Season 2 is reasonably action heavy, with a fast paced storyline and a handful of combat sequences. Its easily the most adrenaline fuelled episode across both seasons and this faster pace is exactly what we needed after a long break.

It kicks you straight back into the action and doesn't hold back for one second. Of course it has its slow moments but these are there to give opportunity for Clem to bond with the new survivors more than to pad out the game and they are few & far between.

The Walking Dead has often been said to be at its best when it is slow and character focussed, but this episode does seem to buck that trend with a fast paced, action packed couple of hours.

The game runs noticeably well, probably the smoothest episode to date, not counting the Vita versions of Season 1. The game only drops frame rate going in and out of loading screens and minor instances in between.

New characters are engaging in their performances and instantly become someone you know you'll like, or someone you'll hate thanks to some excellent voice acting but there are no significant visual upgrades, I mean it is technically DLC after all.

To wrap it up, A House Divided is a great episode. Better than All That Remains? Yeah I suppose, but was it worth the wait? Personally, no.

After 3 months I would expect more from Telltale. Its getting to the point that even though I love each new episode and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. I cant help but feel a little let down occasionally that every episode thusfar has been late and they just seem to be getting later.

We can only hope that Episode 3 wont be too far around the corner so we can continue this great new chapter in The Walking Dead.

Episode 2: A House Divided – 8/10

+Fast Paced

+Better Frame Rate

+Plot Twists

-It Took Too Long and Delivered Too Little

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