Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3, PC, Xbox 360)

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With Call of Duty being as big as it is at the present time, you would expect Infintity Ward and Activision to make some fairly decent reasonably priced games from the franchise. Sadly this is not that case as MW2 continues in its predecessors footsteps as being one of the worst story driven games around. The story picks up 5 years after the events of CoD4, you play as Sgt Gary "Roach" Sanderson and the ever popular Cpt "Soap" Mctavish in their battle against Iraqi and Russian terrorists planning (yet again) to destroy the world in nuclear fire. The story being of roughly 5 hours in length provides little enjoyment and poor storytelling on behalf of IW. You end up literally starting WW3 in the game and everywhere is destroyed by your own stupid friendlies, the entire game is a wild goose chase for one man which bares a name distinctly similar to Victor Kamarov from CoD4.

The entire game feels recycled from CoD4, the graphics are relatively the same, all the characters names are the same or have been changed ever so slightly and all the environments are swapped from lush green Russian farmlands to small, brown dull Afghanistani deserts.

But of course how could i think that CoD was for anything but multiplayer, i would have to be someone by the name of a real gamer to think that! well gladly IW included new mode named Spec Ops which takes select missions from campaign(all of which are fairly shit) and puts a score counter, timer and leaderboards system to it. the mode is fun in Co-Op but is absolutely bullshit for anything but a 5 min laugh with your mates.

Now i suppose i have to cover the multiplaer even though its the same god damn thing every time, the game offers 70 ranks and 10 prestiges to drag out the pain even longer, it has a fairly wide variety of guns even though snipers are used the most due to the fact that the bullets follow the closest living thing possible, making it virtually the best weapon in the game not to mention the most accurate. My personal favourite class setup is a UMP45 with silencer and marathon, lightweight and commando, Call me a n00b of you will but the leaderboard says different with most kills and least deaths....oh and no snipers. To sum up MW2, if you want an extremely overpriced game with very little to offer that also changes very little from the series that does very little then its the perfect game for you, however if you wish to spend you hard earned dosh on something more worthwhile, longer lasting and that will do something new then go look in the preowned section of your games shop, this is because I can guarantee that most people will have traded in fairly decent games to get this steaming pile of CoD.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – 5/10

+Good Story

-Overly repetitive

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