Crysis 2 (PS3, PC, Xbox 360)

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If you ever go down the rubbish tip and see a pile of PC's laying there, looking broken bashed about and possible an fire a bit you know that they are the victim of a Crysis attack. Only few computers have ever survived an attack as massive as this due to the fact that that Cryteks, Cry Engine pushes your PC to crying point.....or death.

The power needed to run the game was far too much for consoles so it remained a PC exclusive but fear not along came the sequel....which was dumbed down for consoles, you still need the C.I.A's computer processor to run the bastard on PC but consoles will run it with ease and still make it look good. In Crysis 2 you play as Alcatraz, a marine who was specially chosen by Prophet (protagonist from Crysis 1) to be the new wearer of the Nanosuit, the most technologically advanced combat suit in existence, you can run as fast as a sportscar, jump up whole floors of buildings and have the power of a 18 wheeler behind your punch. You are the master of any weapon and as stealthy as a ninja. Being the uber tough killing machine you are Crysis throws screenfulls of enemies at you all with heavily integrated strategic combat nailed into their software files making the game tough at the same time, this strikes the right balance to make you feel powerful yet needing to be tactical at the same time.

As usual in any sci-fi game set on earth the base of disaster, alien invasion and government conspiracies is New York, with the entire south side to explore in nearly open worlded environments makes the game a biggun. You are continuing the fight against the Ceth aliens and trying to work out several of your own personal mysteries. The characters are well designed and are believable thanks to expert voice acting. Enemies vary in types, strengths and weaknesses. The campaign is a long one taking between 15-20 hours on average.

Once the campaign is done and finished you can take the fight online to battle with friends and the unknown general public, it plays out similar to many online FPS's  but with some welcome changes that I think should be taken in by other devs, the killstreaks are only earned when you collect your kills dog tag from its corpse, the weapon customisation is beyond many FPS's of this time selecting under barrels, sights, shot modes and suppressors making weapon customisation truly unique depending on the persons play style, you can even choose nanosuit upgrades such as air stomp to give you the tactical edge in the match.

Crysis 2 is definitely the thinking mans Sci-fi FPS, for those who don’t like sci-fi that much the online is more of a military based shooter making this a game for both tastes and one to last in the collection for a long time, length, graphically and story wise.

Crysis 2 – 7/10

+Good, but confusing story

+Looks gorgeous

+Plays Great

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