Movie Marathon

144 11 5

Gilbert Beilschmidt with Kiku Honda, Alfred F. Jones and 15 others
58 minutes ago

Damn, my eyes are burning because of that all nighter we pulled out yesterday XD
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Alfred F. Jones: Well duh. after you requested all those movies, I wouldn't be surprised if I go blind the next day dude 😂😂😂

Kiku Honda: You also requested quite a number yourself, America-kun.

Alfred F. Jones: I don't think that was many though, but nah what ever.

Feliciano Vargas: I liked all the movies! It was really fun! Especially that movie Germany requested ve

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Ja, It was my favorite after all...

Feliciano Vargas: I like China's movie too! It was so funny!

Ivan Braginski: I agree da.

Wang Yao: I'm glad you liked it aru... Well I also like your Movie Russia

Alfred F. Jones: I liked the new anime movie. I've been waiting for the release for months!

Kiku Honda: Do you mean Koe no Katachi? That is one of my favorites too. It's quite refreshing.

Alfred F. Jones: IKR dude. It just...messes with my heart...

Kiku Honda: That's true.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: I moon you.

Alfred F. Jones: Hahaahaahahah

Francis Bonnefoy: The movie I suggested was the best though ohohohon~

Arthur Kirkland: All there was to the movie was f*cking! It didn't even have an actual plot besides sex!

Francis Bonnefoy: Anglaterre, you're the Ambassador of Sex. Why can't you appreciate its beauty?

Arthur Kirkland: Who in the bloody hell agreed to that?!

Francis Bonnefoy: No one needs to, it was given to you on birth ohohohon~

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Birdie's horror movie was really scary though...It was too...out of this world.

Matthew Williams: Thanks Gil :)

Kiku Honda: I agree. It was indeed unique.

Matthew Williams: Thank you Japan.

Alfred F. Jones: That was Canadian?! Man... I thought it was from hollywood...

Matthew Williams: ...

Alfred F. Jones: Sorry Browski, this happens to everyone right 😅

Matthew Williams: You owe me a maple syrup Al.

Alfred F. Jones: Fine.

Li Xiao Xun: I liked Finding Dory the best.

Emil Steilson: *facepalm* what are you, a kid?

Li Xiao Xun: Hey, you don't like know the beauty of Finding Dory?! I'm disappointed in you dude. Cartoons are like not limited to kids you know. Even America watches cartoons.

Arthur Kirkland: That git IS a kid in the head.

Alfred F. Jones: Hey! Cartoons are for everyone! You're even gay for HAIRY POTTER hahaha

Arthur Kirkland: Oh you just FUCKING BLOODY DIDN'T. I'm going to curse your soul you bloody fatso.

Alfred F. Jones: See? He's the kid. It's just a movie. Hahahah.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Captain America sucks.

Feliciano Vargas: ...


Gilbert Beilschmidt: What? It's just a movie

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