His Life Sucks

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Gilbert Beilschmidt
32 minutes ago

Scheiße! I broke my console...My life sucks
•56 people like this

Alfred F. Jones: I feel you bro

Arthur Kirkland: There's a guy who's life is worse than you. His boss always tricks him and doesn't give him his supposed salary. He also treats him like shit.

Feliciano Vargas: He should talk to his boss ve~

Alfred F. Jones: Or he could just quit the job, duh

Matthias Køhler: Tell his boss straight that it's not good.

Arthur Kirkland: He's stuck with a dumb fat friend who has an eating and mental disorder.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Well at least he still has a friend.

Ivan Braginski: I agree da.

Arthur Kirkland: His only girl friend always kicks the shit out of him and turns into a psycho path at times.

Gilbert Beilschmidt: I can somehow relate...

Francis Bonnefoy: That's savage.

Arthur Kirkland: His co-worker hates him and wants him dead.

Matthew Williams: Problem with human relations...?

Kiku Honda: That must be it.

Arthur Kirkland: His driving teacher hates him and he repeated the test countless times already. Everyone is annoyed at him and wants him gone.

Alfred F. Jones: ...that's sad

Gilbert Beilschmidt: Ok, I take it back. My life doesn't suck that bad.

Alfred F. Jones: wait...

Arthur Kirkland: and he lives in a pineapple under the sea.

Alfred F. Jones: shit.

Ludwig Beilschmidt: Oh...oh..

Gilbert Beilschmidt: *table flip

Oliver Kirkland: a dollar for Gilbert and Alfred. 2 dollars for dear Arthur. :D


I know some of you guys already know this but i really found it funny XD

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