Arthur and The Swear Jar!

228 18 6

Oliver Kirkland
28 minutes ago

A fine day everyone :D I'm here because dear Arthur did a spell and summoned me. I can only go back after 2 weeks :D Nooow here's the thing. Everytime I catch someone swearing, you have to put a dollar in the swear jar okay? That's for every curse word! :D Or else I will let you eat one of my cupcakes! Amazing right? :D that's all ladies and gentlemen!
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Alfred F. Jones: Dude, who the heck would join your stupid game?

Oliver Kirkland: Swear Jar!

Alfred F. Jones: What?! No way! Let me eat the cupcakes!

Oliver Kirkland: Okay :)

Arthur Kirkland: Are you trying to bloody kill him?!

Oliver Kirland: Swear Jar!

Arthur Kirkland: What the bloody hell! No way am I paying you git!

Oliver Kirkland: Yes way! And that was three dollars.

Arthur Kirkland: Fuck that!

Oliver Kirkland: 4 dollars!

Arthur Kirkland: What happens if I don't pay up?! You can't do anything to me.

Oliver Kirkland: Artie, Artie, Artie... You do know that I have your embarassing photos right? Or I could just put something in your meal :)

Arthur Kirkland: Fuck.

Oliver Kirkland: 5 dollars!

Arthur Kirkland: No bloody way.

Oliver Kirkland: Just stop cursing Arthur. It's a lot easier that way don't you agree? :)

Oliver Kirkland: Oh and that was 6 dollars :)

Francis Bonnefoy: I bet after 2 weeks Angleterre will be broke XD

Alfred F. Jones: You said it right dude XD

Arthur Kirkland: Shut up you bloody wankers!

Oliver Kirkland: 9 dollars!

Arthur Kirkland: No way. You are not the boss of me!

Oliver Kirkland: I am for the embarassing pictures though :) 9 dollars for Artie.

Arthur Kirkland: Make that 10. Fuck you.

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