Ask Google

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Peter Kirkland
23 minutes ago

How are babies made?
•59 people like this

Arthur Kirkland: What? What in the world made you think about that?!

Tino Vainamoïnen: uhh...haha... Berwald!

Berwald Oxenstierna: It's when two people love each other.

Peter Kirkland: so you and mama Tino love each other?

Tino Vainamoïnen: Uhh... We aren't your biologocal parents

Peter Kirkland: Then who?

Berwald Oxensterna: I don't know. Nations don't know where they came from. All I know is that England was your guardian.

Peter Kirkland: My friends told me that their parents did this and that. What is this and that?

Arthur Kirkland: you see young man,

Alfred F. Jones: Dude, just ask google.

Tino Vainamoinen: ...

Peter Kirkland: It says here that when the male puts his weenie in a womans pussy, and "come" in her, the sperm cell and egg cell unites to form a zygote or fertilized egg. Later on, that egg becomes a baby.

Arthur Kirkland: Alfred you jerk... You just ruined someone's innocence.

Alfred F. Jones: You even ruined mine.

Francis Bonnefoy: Ohohohon... Tell me more of zat America :3

Alfred F. Jones: I mean, when I tried sneaking in his room, I saw all these porn mags of bunny girls.

Peter Kirkland: What are porn mags?

Alfred F. Jones: Ask Google XD

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